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CLASS OF 1876 


Cornell University Library 
PR 6037.M68T7 

The transmutation of Ling / 

3 1924 023 400 025 *.... 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
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Only five hundred copies of this edition have 
been printed for sale in England and 
America and the type has been distributed. 

The ill-omened, but, as it will be finally revealed, 
benevolently-arranged meeting of Kai Lung and 
the brigand. 










^ r, UKlVs i I I 








THE BRIGAND ..... Frontispiece 







THE OTHER DEAF . . . . . „ „ 46 



THE TOILET OF MIAN *. . . . . • jj 55 5^ 

THE SUPERFLUOUS WANG . . . . • 55 55 62 


AND MIAN . . . . . • 3> 5J 76 


KAI LUNG . . . . . • jj jj 78 


THE sun had dipped behind the western mountains before 
Kai Lung, with twenty li or more still between him and the 
city of Knei Yang, entered the camphor-laurel forest which 
stretched almost to his destination. No person of consequence 
ever made the journey unattended ; but Kai Lung professed to have no 
fear, remarking with extempore wisdom, when warned at the previous 
village, that a worthless garment covered one with better protection than 
that afforded by an army of bowmen. Nevertheless, when within the 
gloomy aisles, Kai Lung more than once wished himself back at the 
village, or safely behind the mud walls of Knei Yang ; and, making 
many vows concerning the amount of prayer-paper which he would 
assuredly burn when he was actually through the gates, he stepped 
out more quickly, until suddenly, at a turn in the glade, he stopped 
altogether, while the watchful expression into which he had unguardedly 
dropped at once changed into a mask of impassiveness and extreme 
unconcern. From behind the next tree projected a long straight rod, not 
unlike a slender bamboo at the distance, but, to Kai Lung's all-seeing eye, 
in reality the barrel of a matchlock, which would come into line with his 
breast if he took another step. Being a prudent man, more accustomed 
to guile and subservience to destiny than to force, he therefore waited, 
spreading out his hands in proof of his peaceful acquiescence, arid smiling 
cheerfully until it should please the owner of the weapon to step forth. 
This the unseen did a moment later, still keeping his gun in an easy and 
convenient attitude, revealing a stout body and a scarred face, which in 
conjunction made it plain to Kai Lung that he was in the power of Lin Yi, 
a noted brigand of whom he had heard much in the villages. 

" O illustrious person," said Kai Lung very earnestly, " this is evidently 
an unfortunate mistake. Doubtless you were expecting some exalted 
Mandarin to come and render you homage, and were preparing to over- 
whelm him with gratified confusion by escorting him yourself to your 
well-appointed abode. Indeed, I passed such a one on the road, very richly 
apparelled, who inquired of me the way to the mansion of the dignified 
and upright Lin Yi. By this time he is perhaps two or three li towards 
the east." 

" However distinguished a Mandarin he may be, it is fitting that I 



should first attend to one whose manners and accomplishments betray him 
to be of the Royal House," replied Lin Yi, with extreme afFability. 
" Precede me, therefore, to my mean and uninviting hovel, while I gain 
more honour than I can reasonably bear by following closely in your 
elegant footsteps, and guarding your Imperial person with this inadequate 
but heavily-loaded weapon." 

Seeing no chance of immediate escape, Kai Lung led the way, in- 
structed by the brigand, along a very difficult and bewildering path, until 
they reached a cave hidden among the crags. Here Lin Yi called out some 
words in the Miaotze tongue, whereupon a follower appeared, and opened 
a gate in the stockade of prickly mimosa which guarded the mouth of the 
den. Within the enclosure a fire burned, and food was being prepared. At 
a word from the chief, the unfortunate Kai Lung found his hands seized 
and tied behind his back, while a second later a rough hemp rope was 
fixed round his neck, and the other end tied to an overhanging tree. 

Lin Yi smiled pleasantly and critically upon these preparations, and 
when they were complete dismissed his follower. 

" Now we can converse at our ease and without restraint," he 
remarked to Kai Lung. " It will be a distinguished privilege for a person 
occupying the important public position which you undoubtedly do ; fdr 
myself, my instincts are so degraded and low-minded that nothing gives 
me more gratification than to dispense with ceremony." 

To this Kai Lung made no reply, chiefly because at that moment the 
wind swayed the tree, and compelled him to stand on his toes in order to 
escape suffocation. 

" It would be useless to try to conceal from a person of your inspired 
intelligence that I am indeed Lin Yi," continued the robber. " It is a 
dignified position to occupy, and one for which I am quite incompetent. 
In the sixth month of the third year ago, it chanced that this unworthy 
person, at that time engaged in commercial affairs at Knei Yang, became 
inextricably immersed in the insidious delights of quail-fighting. Having 
been entrusted with a large number of taels with which to purchase 
elephants' teeth, it suddenly occurred to him that if he doubled the 
number of taels by staking them upon an exceedingly powerful and agile 
quail, he would be able to purchase twice the number of teeth, and so 
benefit his patron to a large extent. This matter was clearly forced upon 
his notice by a dream, in which he perceived one whom he then under- 
stood to be the benevolent spirit of an ancestor in the act of stroking a 
particular quail, upon whose chances he accordingly placed all he 
possessed. Doubtless evil spirits had been employed in the matter ; for, to 
this person's great astonishmei^t, the quail in question failed in a very 
discreditable manner at the encounter. Unfortunately, this person had 
risked not only the money which had been entrusted to him, but all that 
he had himself become possessed of by some years of honourable toil and 
assiduous courtesy as a professional witness in law cases. Not doubting that 



his patron would see that he was himself greatly to blame in confiding so 
large a sum of money to a comparatively young man of whom he knew 
little, this person placed the matter before him, at the same time showing 
him that he would suffer in the eyes of the virtuous if he did not restore 
this person's savings, which but for the presence of the larger sum, and a 
generous desire to benefit his patron, ^e would never have risked in so 
uncertain a venture as that of quail-fighting. Although the facts were laid 
in the form of a dignified request instead of a demand by leg^l means, and 
the reasoning carefully drawn up in columns on fine parchment by a very 
illustrious writer, the reply which this person received showed him plainly 
that a wrong view had been taken of the matter, and that the time had 
arrived when it became necessary for him to make a suitable rejoinder by 
leaving the city without delay." 

" It was a high-minded and disinterested course to take," said Kai 
Lung with great conviction, as Lin Yi paused. " Without doubt evil will 
shortly overtake the avaricious-souled person at Knei Yang." 

" It has already done so," replied Lin Yi. " While passing through 
this forest in the season of Many White Vapours, the spirits of his bad 
deeds appeared to him in misleading and symmetrical shapes, and drew 
him out of the path and away from his bowmen. After suffering many 
torments, he found his way here, where, in spite of our continual care, he 
perished miserably and in great bodily pain. . . . But I cannot conceal 
from myself, in spite of your distinguished politeness, that I am becoming 
intolerably tiresome with my commonplace talk." 

*' On the contrary," replied Kai Lung, " while listening to your voice 
I seemed to hear the beating of many gongs of the finest and most polished 
brass. I floated in the Middle Air, and for the time I even became un- 
conscious of the fact that this honourable appendage, though fashioned, as 
I perceive, out of the most delicate silk, makes it exceedingly difficult for 
me to breathe." 

" Such a thing cannot be permitted," exclaimed Lin Yi, with some 
indignation, as with his own hands he slackened the rope, and, taking it 
from Kai Lung's neck, fastened it round his ankle. " Now, in return for 
my uninviting confidences, shall not my senses be gladdened by a recital of 
the titles and honours borne by your distinguished family .? Doubtless, at 
this moment many Mandarins of the highest degree are anxiously awaiting 
your arrival at Knei Yang, perhaps passing the time by outdoing one 
another in protesting the number of taels each would give rather than 
permit you to be tormented by fire-brands, or even to lose a single 

" Alas ! " replied Kai Lung, " never was there a truer proverb than 
that which says, 'It is a mark of insincerity of purpose to spend one's 
time in looking for the sacred Emperor in the low-class tea-shops.' Do 
Mandarins or the friends of Mandarins travel in mean garments and 
unattended ? Indeed, the person who is now before you is none other 



than the outcast Kai Lung, the story-teller, one of degraded habits and no 
very distinguished or reputable ancestors. His friends are few, and mostly 
of the criminal class ; his wealth is not more than some six or eight cash, 
concealed in his left sandal ; and his entire stock-in-trade consists of a few 
unendurable and badly-told stories, to which, however, it is his pre- 
sumptuous intention shortly to add a dignified narrative of the high-born 
Lin Yi, setting out his domestic virtues and the honour which he has 
reflected upon his house, his valour in war, the destruction of his enemies, 
and, above all, his great benevolence and the protection which he extends 
to the poor and those engaged in the distinguished arts." 

"The absence of friends is unfortunate," said Lin Yi thoughtfully, 
after he had possessed himself of the coins indicated by Kai Lung, and 
also of a much larger amount concealed elsewhere among the story-teller's 
clothing. " My followers are mostly outlawed Miaotze, who have been 
driven from their own tribes in Yun Nan for man-eating and disregarding 
the sacred laws of hospitality. They are somewhat rapacious, and in this 
way it has become a custom that they should have as their own, for the 
purpose of exchanging for money, persons such as yourself, whose insatiable 
curiosity has led them to this place." 

" The wise and all-knowing Emperor Fohy instituted three degrees of 
attainment : Being poor, to obtain justice ; being rich, to escape flattery ; 
and being human, to avoid the passions," replied Kai Lung. " To these 
the practical and enlightened King added yet another, the greatest : Being 
lean, to yield fatness." 

" In such cases," observed the brigand, " the Miaotze keep an 
honoured and very venerable rite, which chiefly consists in suspending 
the offender by the pigtail from a low tree, and placing burning twigs of 
hemp-palm between his toes. To this person it seems a foolish and 
meaningless habit ; but it would not be well to interfere with their 
religious observances, however trivial they may appear." 

" Such a course must inevitably end in great loss," suggested Kai 
Lung ; " for undoubtedly there are many poor yet honourable persons who 
would leave with them a bond for a large number of taels and save the 
money with which to redeem it, rather than take part in a ceremony 
which is not according to one's own Book of Rites." 

" They have already suffered in that way on one or two occasions," 
replied Lin Yi ; " so that such a proposal, no matter how nobly intended, 
would not gladden their faces. Yet they are simple and docile persons, 
and would, without doubt, be moved to any feeling you should desire by 
the recital of one of your illustrious stories." 

" An intelligent and discriminating assemblage is more to a story-teller 
than much reward of cash from hands that conceal open mouths," replied 
Kai Lung with great feeling. " Nothing would confer more pleasurable 
agitation upon this unworthy person than an opportunity of narrating his 
entire stock to them. If also the accomplished Lin Yi would bestow 



renown upon the occasion by his presence, no omen of good would be 

" The pleasures of the city lie far behind me," said Lin Yi, after some 
thought, " and I would cheerfully submit myself to an intellectual accom- 
plishment such as you are undoubtedly capable of. But as we have 
necessity to leave this spot before ihf hour when the oak-leaves change 
into night-moths, one of your amiable stories will be the utmost we can 
strengthen our intellects with. Select which you will. In the meantime, 
food will be brought to refresh you after your benevolent exertions in con- 
versing with a person of my vapid understanding. When you have 
partaken, or thrown it away as utterly unendurable, the time will have 
arrived, and this person, together with all his accomplices, will put them- 
selves in a position to be subjected to all the most dignified emotions." 



" h m HHE story which I have selected for this gratifying occasion," 
I said Kai Lung, when, an hour or so later, still pinioned, 
I but released from the halter, he sat surrounded by the 
™ brigands, " is entitled ' Good and Evil,' and it is concerned 
with the adventures of one Ling, who bore the honourable name of 
Ho. The first, and indeed the greater, part of the narrative, as related 
by the venerable and accomplished writer of history Chow-Tan, is taken 
up by showing how Ling was assuredly descended from an enlightened 
Emperor of the race of Tsin ; but as the no less omniscient Ta-lin-hi 
proves beyond doubt that the person in question was in no way connected 
with any but a line of hereditary ape-worshippers, who entered China 
from an unknown country many centuries ago, it would ill become this 
illiterate person to express an opinion on either side, and he will in con- 
sequence omit the first seventeen books of the story, and only deal with 
the three which refer to the illustrious Ling himself," 


Narrated by Kai Lung when a prisoner in the camp of Lin Ti 

LING was the youngest of three sons, and from his youth upwards 
proved to be of a mild and studious disposition. Most of his time was 
spent in reading the sacred books, and at an early age he found the worship 
of apes to be repulsive to his gentle nature, and resolved to break through 
the venerable traditions of his family by devoting his time to literary pur- 
suits, and presenting himself for the public examinations at Canton. In 
this his resolution was strengthened by a rumour that an army of bowmen 
was shortly to be raised from the Province in which he lived, so that if 
he remained he would inevitably be forced into an occupation which was 
even more distasteful to him than the one he was leaving. 

Having arrived at Canton, Ling's first care was to obtain particulars of 
the examinations, which he clearly perceived, from the unusual activity dis- 



played on all sides, to be near at hand. On inquiring from passers-by* he 
received very conflicting information ; for the persons to whom he spoke 
were themselves entered for the competition, and therefore naturally misled 
him in order to increase their own chances of success. Perceiving this, 
Ling determined to apply at once, although the light was past, to a 
Mandarin who was concerned in the eliminations, lest by delay he should 
lose his chance for the year. 

" It is an unfortunate event that so distinguished a person should have 
selected this day and hour on which to overwhelm us with his affable 
politeness ! " exclaimed the porter at the gate of the Yamen, when Ling 
had explained his reason for going. " On such a day, in the reign of the 
virtuous Emperor Hoo Chow, a very benevolent and unassuming ancestor 
of my good lord the Mandarin was destroyed by treachery, and ever since 
his family has observed the occasion by fasting and no music. This person 
would certainly be punished with death if he entered the inner room from 
any cause." 

At these words. Ling, who had been simply brought up, and chiefly 
in the society of apes, was going away with many expressions of self- 
reproach at selecting such a time, when the gate-keeper called him 

" I am overwhelmed with confusion at the position in which I find 
myself," he remarked, after he had examined his mind for a short time. " I 
may meet with an ungraceful and objectionable death if I carry out your 
estimable instructions, but I shall certainly merit and receive a similar fate 
if I permit so renowned and versatile a person to leave without a fitting 
reception. In such matters a person can only trust to the intervention of 
good spirits ; if, therefore, you will permit this unworthy individual to 
wear, while making the venture, the ring which he perceives upon your 
finger, and which he recognises as a very powerful charm against evil, 
misunderstandings, and extortion, he will go without fear." 

Overjoyed at the amiable porter's efforts on his behalf. Ling did as he 
was desired, and the other retired. Presently the door of the Yamen was 
opened by an attendant of the house, and Ling bidden to enter. He was 
covered with astonishment to find that this person was entirely unacquainted 
with his name or purpose. 

" Alas ! " said the attendant, when Ling had explained his object, 
" well said the renowned and inspired Ting Fo, ' When struck by a 
thunderbolt it is unnecessary to consult the Book of Dates as to the precise 
meaning of the omen.' At this moment my noble-minded master is engaged 
in conversation with all the most honourable and refined persons in Canton, 
while singers and dancers of a very expert and nimble order have been sent 
for. The entertainment will undoubtedly last far into the night, and to 
present myself even with the excuse of your graceful and delicate inquiry 
would certainly result in very objectionable consequences to this person." 

" It is indeed a day of unprepossessing circumstances," replied Ling, 



and, after many honourable remarks concerning his own intellect and 
appearance, and those of the person to whom he was speaking, he had 
turned to leave when the other continued : 

" Ever since your dignified presence illumined this very ordinary 
chamber, this person has been endeavouring to bring to his mind an 
incident which occurred to him last night while he slept. Now it has 
come back to him with a diamond clearness, and he is satisfied that it was 
as follows : While he floated in the Middle Air a benevolent spirit, in the 
form of an elderly and toothless vampire, appeared, leading by the hand a 
young man of elegant personality. Smiling encouragingly upon this person, 
the spirit said, ' O Fou, recipient of many favours from Mandarins and of 
innumerable taels from gratified persons whom you have obliged, I am, 
even at this moment, guiding this exceptional young man towards your 
presence ; when he arrives do not hesitate, but do as he desires, no matter 
how great the danger seems or how inadequately you may appear to be 
rewarded on earth.' The vision then melted, but I now clearly perceive 
that with the exception of the embroidered cloak which you wear, you 
are the person thus indicated to me. Remove your cloak, therefore, in 
order to give the amiable spirit no opportunity of denying the fact, and 
I will advance your wishes ; for, as the Book of Verses indicates, 
'The person who patiently awaits a sign from the clouds for many 
years, and yet fails to notice the earthquake at his feet, is devoid of 
intellect.' " 

Convinced that he was assuredly under the especial protection of the 
Deities, and that the end of his search was in view. Ling gave his rich 
cloak to the attendant, and was immediately shown into another room, 
where he was left alone. 

After a considerable space of time the door opened and there entered 
a person whom Ling at first supposed to be the Mandarin. Indeed, he was 
addressing him by his titles when the other interrupted him. "Do not 
distress your incomparable mind by searching for honourable names to 
apply to so inferior a person as myself," he said agreeably. " The mistake 
is, nevertheless, very natural ; for, however miraculous it may appear, this 
unseemly individual, who is in reahty merely a writer of spoken words, is 
admitted to be exceedingly like the dignified Mandarin himself, though 
somewhat stouter, clad in better garments, and, it is said, less obtuse of 
intellect. This last matter he very much doubts, for he now finds himself 
unable to recognise by name one who is undoubtedly entitled to wear the 
Royal Yellow." ^ 

With this encouragement Ling once more explained his position, 
narrating the events which had enabled him to reach the second chamber 
of the Yamen. When he had finished the secretary was overpowered with 
a high-minded indignation. 

"Assuredly those depraved and rapacious persons who have both 
misled and robbed you shall sufl^er bowstringing when the whole matter is 

1 6 

The mandarin of the three times bolted door. 

■T^TW?!",:'.!- I " I 'WTW 



brought to light," he exclaimed. " The noble Mandarin neither fasts nor 
receives guests, for, indeed, he has slept since the sun went down. This 
person would unhesitatingly break his slumber for so commendable a 
purpose were it not for a circumstance of intolerable unavoidableness. It 
must not even be told in a low breath b^ond the walls of the Yamen, but 
my benevolent and high-born lord is in reality a person of very miserly 
instincts, and nothing will call him from his natural sleep but the sound of 
taels shaken beside -his bed. In an unexpected manner it comes about that 
this person is quite unsupplied with anything but thin printed papers of a 
thousand taels each, and these are quite useless for the purpose." 

" It is unendurable that so obliging- a person should be put to such 
inconvenience on behalf of one who will certainly become a public laughing- 
stock at the examinations," said Ling, with deep feeling ; and taking from 
a concealed spot in his garments a few taels, he placed them before the 
secretary for the use he had indicated. 

Ling was again left alone for upwards of two strokes of the gong, and 
was on the point of sleep when the secretary returned with an expression 
of dignified satisfaction upon his countenance. Concluding that he had 
been successful in the manner of awakening the Mandarin, Ling was 
opening his mouth for a pqlite speech, which should contain a delicate 
allusion to the taels, when the secretary warned him, by affecting a sudden 
look of terror, that silence was exceedingly desirable, and at the same time 
opened another door and indicated to Ling that he should pass through. 

In the next room Ling was overjoyed to find himself in the presence 
of the Mandarin, who received him graciously, and paid many estimable 
compliments to the name he bore and the country from which he came. 
When at length Ling tore himself from this enchanting conversation, and 
explained the reason of his presence, the Mandarin at once became a prey 
to the whitest and most melancholy emotions, even plucking two hairs 
from his pigtail to prove the extent and conscientiousness of his grief. 

" Behold," he cried at length, " I am resolved that the extortionate 
and many-handed persons at Pekin who have control of the examination 
rites and customs shall no longer grow round-bodied without remark. This 
person will unhesitatingly proclaim the true facts of the case without 
regarding the danger that the versatile Chancellor or even the sublime 
Emperor himself may, while he speaks, be concealed in some part of this 
unassuming room to hear his words ; for, as it is wisely said, ' When 
marked out by destiny, a person will assuredly be drowned, even though 
he passes the whole of his existence among the highest branches of a date 
tree.' " 

" I am overwhelmed that I should be the cause of such an engaging 
display of polished agitation," said Ling, as the Mandarin paused. "If it 
would make your own stomach less heavy, this person will willingly follow 
your estimable example, either with or without knowing the reason." 

" The matter is altogether on your account, O most unobtrusive 
B 17 


young man," replied the Mandarin, when a voice without passion was 
restored to him. " It tears me internally with hooks to reflect that you, 
whose refined ancestors I might reasonably have known had I passed my 
youth in another Province, should be a victim to the cupidity of the ones 
in authority at Pekin. A very short time before you arrived there came a 
messenger in haste from those persons, clearly indicating that a legal toll of 
sixteen taels was to be made on each printed paper setting forth the times 
and manner of the examinations, although, as you may see, the paper is 
undoubtedly marked, ' Persons are given notice that they are defrauded of 
any sum which they may be induced to exchange for this matter.' Further- 
more, there is a legal toll of nine taels on all persons who have previously 
been examined " 

" I am happily escaped from that," exclaimed Ling with some 
satisfaction as the Mandarin paused. 

" — and twelve taels on all who present themselves for the first time. 
This is to be delivered over when the paper is purchased, so that you, by 
reason of this unworthy proceeding at Pekin, are required to forward to 
that place, through this person, no less than thirty-two taels." 

" It is a circumstance of considerable regret," replied Ling ; "for had 
I only reached Canton a day earlier, I should, it appears, have avoided this 

" Undoubtedly it would have been so," replied the Mandarin, who 
had become engrossed in exalted meditation. " However," he continued a 
moment later, as he bowed to Ling with an accomplished smile, "it 
would certainly be a more pleasant thought for a person of your refined 
intelligence that had you delayed until to-morrow the insatiable persons at 
Pekin might be demanding twice the amount." 

Pondering the deep wisdom of this remark. Ling took his departure ; 
but in spite of the most assiduous watchfulness he was unable to discern 
any of the three obliging persons to whose eiforts his success had been 



IT was very late when Ling again reached the small room which he had 
selected as soon as he reached Canton, but without waiting for food or 
sleep he made himself fully acquainted with the times of the forthcom- 
ing examinations and the details of the circumstances connected with 
them. With much satisfaction he found that he had still a week in which 
to revive his intellect on the most difficult subjects. Having become relieved 
on these points, Ling retired for a few hours' sleep, but rose again very 
early, and gave the whole day with great steadfastness to contemplation of 
the sacred classics Y-King, with the exception of a short period spent in 
purchasing ink, brushes, and writing-leaves. The following day, having 
become mentally depressed through witnessing uncountable hordes of 
candidates thronging the streets of Canton, Ling put aside his books, 
and passed the time in visiting all the most celebrated tombs in the 
neighbourhood of the city. Lightened in mind by this charitable and 
agreeable occupation, he returned to his studies with a fixed resolution, 
nor did he again falter in his purpose. 

On the evening of the examination, when he was sitting alone, read- 
ing by the aid of a single light, as his custom was, a person arrived to see 
him, at the same time manifesting a considerable appearance of secrecy and 
reserve. Inwardly sighing at the interruption. Ling nevertheless received 
him with distinguished consideration and respect, setting tea before him, 
and performing towards it many honourable actions with his own hands. 
Not until some hours had sped in conversation relating to the health of 
the Emperor, the unexpected appearance of a fiery dragon outside the city, 
and the unsupportable price of opium, did the visitor allude to the object 
of his presence. 

" It has been observed," he remarked, " that the accomplished Ling, 
who aspires to a satisfactory rank at the examinations, has never before 
made the attempt. Doubtless in this case a preternatural wisdom will 
avail much, and its fortunate possessor will not go unrewarded. Yet it is 
as precious stones among ashes for one to triumph in such circumstances." 

" The fact is known to this person," replied Ling sadly, " and the 
thought of the years he may have to wait before he shall have passed even 
the first degree weighs down his soul with bitterness from time to time." 



" It is no infrequent thing for men of accomplished perseverance, but 
merely ordinary intellects, to grow venerable within the four walls of the 
examination cell," continued the other. "Some, again, become afflicted 
with various malignant evils, while not a few, chiefly those who are 
presenting themselves for the first time, are so overcome on perceiving 
the examination paper, and understanding the inadequate nature of their 
own accomplishments, that they become an easy prey to the malicious 
spirits which are ever on the watch in those places ; and, after covering 
their leaves with unpresentable remarks and drawings of men and women 
of distinguished rank, have at length to be forcibly carried away by the 
attendants and secured with heavy chains." 

" Such things undoubtedly exist," agreed Ling ; " yet by a due regard 
paid to spirits, both good and bad, a proper esteem for one's ancestors, and 
a sufficiency of charms about the head and body, it is possible to be closeted 
with all manner of demons, and yet to suffer no evil." 

" It is undoubtedly possible to do so, according to the Immortal 
Principles," admitted the stranger ; " but it is not an undertaking in 
which a refined person would take intelligent pleasure ; as the proverb 
says, ' He is a wise and enlightened suppliant who seeks to discover an 
honourable Mandarin, but he is a fool who cries out, " I have found 
one."' However, it is obvious that the reason of my visit is understood, 
and that your distinguished confidence in yourself is merely a graceful 
endeavour to obtain my services for a less amount of taels than I should 
otherwise have demanded. For half the usual sum, therefore, this person 
will take your place in the examination cell, and enable your versatile 
name to appear in the winning lists, while you pass your moments in 
irreproachable pleasures elsewhere." 

Such a course had never presented itself to Ling. As the person who 
narrates this story has already remarked, he had passed his life beyond the 
influence of the ways and manners of towns, and at the same time he had 
naturally been endowed with an unobtrusive high-mindedness. It appeared 
to him, in consequence, that by accepting this engaging offer, he yvould be 
placing those who were competing with him at a disadvantage. This person 
clearly sees it is a difficult matter for him to explain how this could be, as 
Ling would undoubtedly reward the services of one who took his place, nor 
would the number of the competitors be in any way increased ; yet in such 
a way the thing took shape before his eyes. Knowing, however, that few 
persons would be able to understand this action, and being desirous of not 
injuring the esteemable emotions of the obliging person who had come to 
him. Ling made a number of polished excuses in declining, hiding the true 
reason within himself In this way he earned the powerful malignity of the 
person in question, who would not depart until he had effected a number 
of very disagreeable prophecies connected with unpropitious omens and in- 
ternal torments, all of which undoubtedly had a great influence on Ling's 
life beyond that time. 



Each day of the examination found Ling alternately elated or depressed, 
according to the length and style of the essay which he had written while 
enclosed in his solitary examination cell. The trials each lasted a complete 
day, and long before the fifteen days which composed the full examination 
were passed, Ling found himself half reletting that he had not accepted 
his visitor's offer, or even reviling the day on which he had abandoned the 
hereditary calling of his ancestors. However, when, after all was over, he 
came to deliberate with himself on his chances of attaining a degree, he 
could not disguise from his own mind that he had well-formed hopes ; he 
was not conscious of any undignified errors, and, in reply to several ques- 
tions, he had been able to introduce curious knowledge which he possessed 
by means of his exceptional circumstances — knowledge which it was un- 
likely that any other candidate would have been able to make himself 
master of. 

At length the day arrived on which the results were to be made 
public ; and Ling, together with all the other competitors and many 
distinguished persons, attended at the great Hall of Intellectual Coloured 
Lights to hear the reading of the lists. Eight thousand candidates had 
been examined, and from this number less than two hundred were to be 
selected for appointments. Amid a most distinguished silence the winning 
names were read out. Waves of most undignified but inevitable emotion 
passed over those assembled as the list neared its end, and the chances of 
success became less at each spoken word. Nevertheless, Ling hoped till 
the last name was given forth ; and then, finding that his was not among 
them, together with the greater part of those present, he became a prey 
to very inelegant thoughts, which were not lessened by the refined cries 
of triumph of the successful persons. Among this confusion the one who 
had read the lists was observed to be endeavouring to make his voice 
known, whereupon, in the expectation that he had omitted a name, 
the tumult was quickly subdued by those who again had pleasurable 

" There was among the candidates one of the name of Ling," said 
he, when no-noise had been obtained. "The written leaves produced by 
this person are of a most versatile and conflicting order, so that, indeed, 
the accomplished examiners themselves are unable to decide whether they 
are very good or very bad. In this matter, therefore, it is clearly impossible 
to place the expert and inimitable Ling among the foremost, as his very 
uncertain success may have been brought about with the assistance of evil 
spirits ; nor would it be safe to pass over his efforts without reward, as he 
may be under the protection of powerful but exceedingly ill-advised deities. 
The estimable Ling is told to appear again at this place after the gong has 
been struck three times, when the matter will have been looked at from 

all round." 

At this announcement there arose another great tumult, several crying 
out that assuredly their written leaves were either very good or very bad ; 



but no further proclamation was made, and very soon the hall was cleared 
by force. 

At the time stated Ling again presented himself at the Hall, and was 
honourably received. 

"The unusual circumstances of the matter have already been put 
forth," said an elderly Mandarin of engaging appearance, " so that nothing 
remains to be made known except the end of our despicable efforts to come 
to an agreeable conclusion. In this we have been successful, and now desire 
to notify the result. A very desirable and not unremunerative office, rarely 
bestowed in this manner, is lately vacant, and taking into our minds the 
circumstances of the event, and the fact that Ling comes from a Province 
very esteemed for the warlike instincts of its inhabitants, we have decided 
to appoint him commander of the valiant and blood-thirsty band of archers 
now stationed at Si-chow, in the province of Hu Nan. We have spoken. 
Let three guns go off in honour of the noble and invincible Ling, now 
and henceforth a commander in the Ever-victorious Army of the Sublime 
Emperor, Brother of the Sun and Moon, and Upholder of the Four 
Corners of the World." 


MANY hours passed before Ling, now more downcast in 
mind than the most unsuccessful student in Canton, re- 
turned to his room and sought his couch of dried rushes. 
All his efforts to have his distinguished appointment set 
aside had been without avail, and he had been ordered to reach Si-chow 
within a week. As he passed through the streets, elegant processions in 
honour of the winners met him at every corner, and drove him into the 
outskirts for the object of quietness. There he remained until the beating 
of paper drums and the sound of exulting voices could be heard no more ; 
but even when he returned lanterns shone in many dwellings, for two 
hundred persons were composing verses, setting forth their renown and 
undoubted accomplishments, ready to affix to their doors and send to 
friends on the next day. 

Not giving any portion of his mind to this desirable act of behaviour. 
Ling flung himself upon the floor, and, finding sleep unattainable, plunged 
himself into profound meditation of a very uninviting order. 

" Without doubt," he exclaimed, " evil can only arise from evil, and 
as this person has always endeavoured to lead a life in which his devotions 
have been equally divided between the sacred Emperor, his illustrious 
parents, and his venerable ancestors, the fault cannot lie with him. Of 
the excellence of his parents he has full knowledge ; regarding the 
Emperor, it might not be safe to conjecture. It is therefore probable that 
some of his ancestors were persons of abandoned manner and inelegant 
habits, to worship whom results in evil rather than good. Otherwise, how 
could it be that one, whose chief delight lies in the passive contemplation 
of the Four Books and the Five Classics, should be selected by destiny to 
fill a position calling for great personal courage and an aggressive nature ? 
Assuredly it can only end in a mean and insignificant death, perhaps not 
even followed by burial." 

In this manner of thought he fell asleep, and after certain very base 
and impressive dreams, from which good omens were altogether absent, 
he awoke, and rose to begin his preparations for leaving the city. 

After two days spent chiefly in obtaining certain safeguards against 
treachery and the bullets of foemen, purchasing opium and other gifts 
with which to propitiate the soldiers under his charge, and in consulting 



well-disposed witches and readers of the future, he set out, and by 
travelling in extreme discomfort, reached Si-chow within five days. 
During his journey he learned that the entire Province was engaged in 
secret rebellion, several towns, indeed, having declared against the Imperial 
army without reserve. Those persons to whom Ling spoke described the 
rebels, with respectful admiration, as fierce and unnaturally skilful in all 
methods of fighting, revengeful and merciless towards their enemies, very 
numerous and above the ordinary height of human beings, and endowed 
with qualities which made their skin capable of turning aside every kind 
of weapon. Furthermore, he was assured that a large band of the most 
abandoned and best trained was at that moment in the immediate 
neighbourhood of Si-chow. 

Ling was not destined long to remain in any doubt concerning the 
truth of these matters, for as he made his way through a dark cypress 
wood, a few li from the houses of Si-chow, the sounds of a confused outcry 
reached his ears, and on stepping aside to a hidden glade some distance 
from the path, he beheld a young and elegant maiden of incomparable 
beauty being carried away by two persons of most repulsive and undignified 
appearance, whose dress and manner clearly betrayed them to be rebels of 
the lowest and worst-paid type. At this sight Ling became possessed of 
feelings of a savage yet agreeable order, which until that time he had not 
conjectured to have any place within his mind, and without even pausing 
to consider whether the planets were in favourable positions for the 
enterprise to be undertaken at that time, he drew his sword, and ran 
forward with loud cries. Unsettled in their intentions at this unexpected 
action, the two persons turned and advanced upon Ling with whirling 
daggers, discussing among themselves whether it would be better to kill 
him at the first blow or to take him alive, and, when the day had 
become sufficiently cool for the full enjoyment of the spectacle, submit 
him to various objectionable tortures of so degraded a nature that they 
were rarely used in the army of the Emperor except upon the persons of 
barbarians. Observing that the maiden was not bound, Ling cried out to 
her to escape and seek protection within the town, adding, with a 
magnanimous absence of vanity : 

" Should this person chance to fall, the repose which the presence of 
so lovely and graceful a being would undoubtedly bring to his departing 
spirit would be outbalanced by the unendurable thought that his common- 
place efforts had not been sufficient to save her from the two evilly-disposed 
individuals who are, as he perceives, at this moment, neglecting no means 
within their power to accomplish his destruction." 

Accepting the discernment of these words, the maiden fled, first 
bestowing a look upon Ling which clearly indicated an honourable 
regard for himself, a high-minded desire that the affair might end pro- 
fitably on his account, and an amiable hope that they should meet again, 
when these subjects could be expressed more clearly between them. 




In the meantime Ling had become at a disadvantage, for the time 
occupied in speaking and in making the necessary number of bows in 
reply to her entrancing glance had given the other persons an opportunity 
of arranging their charms and sacred written sentences to greater advantage, 
and of occupying the most favourable grou«d for the encounter. Neverthe- 
less, so great was the force of the new emotion which had entered into 
Ling's nature that, without waiting to consider the dangers or the best 
method of attack, he rushed upon them, waving his sword with such 
force that he appeared as though surrounded by a circle of very brilliant 
fire. In this way he reached the rebels, who both fell unexpectedly at one 
blow, they, indeed, being under the impression that the encounter had not 
commenced in reality, and that Ling was merely menacing them in order 
to inspire their minds with terror and raise his own spirits. However much 
he regretted this act of the incident which he had been compelled to take. 
Ling could not avoid being filled with intellectual joy at finding that his 
own charms and omens were more distinguished than those possessed by 
the rebels, none of whom, as he now plainly understood, he need fear. 

Examining these things within his mind, and reflecting on the events 
of the past few days, by which he had been thrown into a class of circum- 
stances greatly differing from anything which he had ever sought. Ling 
continued his journey, and soon found himself before the southern gate of 
Si-chow. Entering the town, he at once formed the resolution of going 
before the Mandarin for 'Warlike Deeds and Arrangements, so that he 
might present, without delay, the papers and seals which he had brought 
with him from Canton. 

" The noble Mandarin Li Keen ? " replied the first person to whom 
Ling addressed himself " It would indeed be a difficult and hazardous 
conjecture to make concerning his sacred person. By chance he is in the 
strongest and best-concealed cellar in Si-chow, unless the sumptuous 
attractions of the deepest dry well have induced him to make a short 
journey" ; and, with a look of great unfriendliness at Ling's dress and 
weapons, this person passed on. 

"Doubtless, he is fighting single-handed against the armed men by 
whom the place is surrounded," said another ; " or perhaps he is con- 
structing an underground road from the Yamen to Pekin, so that we 
may all escape when the town is taken. All that can be said with certainty 
is that the Heaven-sent and valorous Mandarin has not been seen outside 
the walls of his well-fortified residence since the trouble arose ; but, as you 
carry a sword of conspicuous excellence, you will doubtless be welcome." 

Upon making a third attempt Ling was more successful, for he 
inquired of an aged woman, who had neither a reputation for keen and 
polished sentences to maintain, nor any interest in the acts of the Mandarin 
or of the rebels. From her he learned how to reach the Yamen, and 
accordingly turned his footsteps in that direction. 

When at length he arrived at the gate. Ling desired his tablets to be 



carried to the Mandarin with many expressions of an impressive and 
engaging nature, nor did he neglect to reward the porter. It was therefmre 
with the expression of a misunderstanding mind that he received a reply 
setting forth that Li Keen was unable to receive him. In great doubt he 
prevailed upon the porter, by means of a still larger reward, again to carry 
in his message, and on this occasion an answer in this detail was placed 
before him. 

" Li Keen," he was informed, " is indeed awaiting the arrival of one 
Ling, a noble and valiant Commander of Bowmen. He is given to under- 
stand, it is true, that a certain person claiming the same honoured name is 
standing in somewhat undignified attitudes at the gate, but he is unable in 
any way to make these two individuals meet within his intellect. He 
would further remind all persons that the refined observances laid down 
by the wise and exalted Board of Rites and Ceremonies have a marked 
and irreproachable significance when the country is in a state of disorder, 
the town surrounded by rebels, and every breathing-space of time of more 
than ordinary value." 

Overpowered with becoming shame at having been connected with so 
unseemly a breach of civility, for which his great haste had in reality been 
accountable, Ling hastened back into the town, and spent many hours in 
endeavouring to obtain a chair of the requisite colour in which to visit 
the Mandarin. In this he was unsuccessful, until it was at length suggested 
to him that an ordinary chair, such as stood for hire in the streets of 
Si-chow, would be acceptable if covered with blue paper. Still in some 
doubt as to what the nature of his reception would be. Ling had no 
choice but to take this course, and accordingly he again reached the 
Yamen in such a manner, carried by two persons whom he had obtained 
for the purpose. While yet hardly at the residence a salute was suddenly 
fired ; all the gates and doors were, without delay, thrown open with 
embarrassing and hospitable profusion, and the Mandarin himself passed 
out, and would have assisted Ling to step down from his chair had not 
that person, clearly perceiving that such a course would be too great an 
honour, evaded him by an unobtrusive display of versatile dexterity. So 
numerous and profound were the graceful remarks which each made 
concerning the habits and accomplishments of the other that more than 
the space of an hour was passed in traversing the small enclosed ground 
which led up to the principal door of the Yamen. There an almost 
greater time was agreeably spent, both Ling and the Mandarin having 
determined that the other should enter first. Undoubtedly Ling, who was 
the more powerful of the two, would have conferred this courteous dis- 
tinction upon Li Keen had not that person summoned to his side certain 
attendants who succeeded in frustrating Ling in his high-minded inten- 
tions, and in forcing him through the doorway in spite of his conscien- 
tious protests against the unsurmountable obligation under which the 
circumstances placed him. 




Conversing in this intellectual and dignified manner, the strokes of 
the gong passed unheeded ; tea had been brought into their presence 
many times, and night had fallen before the Mandarin allowed Ling to 
refer to the matter which had brought him to that place, and to present 
his written papers and seals. • 

" It is a valuable privilege to have so intelHgent a person as the 
illustrious Ling occupying this position," remarked the Mandarin, as he 
returned the papers ; " and not less so on account of the one who preceded 
him proving himself to be a person of feeble attainments and an un- 
endurable deficiency of resource." 

" To one with the all-knowing Li Keen's mental acquisitions, such a 
person must indeed have become excessively offensive," replied Ling 
delicately ; " for, as it is truly said, ' Although there exist many thousand 
subjects for elegant conversation, there are pei'sons who cannot meet a 
cripple without talking about feet.' " 

" He to whom I have referred was such a one," said Li Keen, 
appreciating with an expression of countenance the fitness of Ling's 
proverb. " He was totally inadequate to the requirements of his position ; 
for he possessed no military knowledge, and was placed in command by 
those at Pekin as a result of his taking a high place at one of the examina- 
tions. But more than this, although his three years of service were almost 
completed, I was quite unsuccessful in convincing him that an unseemly 
degradation probably awaited him unless he could furnish me with the 
means with which to propitiate the persons in authority at Pekin. This 
he neglected to do with obstinate pertinacity, which compelled this person 
to inquire within himself whether one of so little discernment could be 
trusted with an important and arduous office. After much deliberation, 
this person came to the decision that the Commander in question was not 
a fit person, and he therefore reported him to the Imperial Board of 
Punishment at Pekin as one subject to frequent and periodical eccentricities, 
and possessed of less than ordinary intellect. In consequence of this act 
of justice, the Commander was degraded to the rank of common bowman, 
and compelled to pay a heavy fine in addition." 

" It was a just and enlightened conclusion of the affair," said Ling, 
in spite of a deep feeling of no enthusiasm, " and one which surprisingly 
bore out your own prophecy in the matter." 

" It was an inspired warning to persons who should chance to, be in a 
like position at any time," replied Li Keen. " So grasping and corrupt are 
those who control affairs in Pekin that I have no doubt they would 
scarcely hesitate in debasing even one so immaculate as the exceptional 
Ling, and placing him in some laborious and ill-paid civil department 
should he not accede to their extortionate demands." 

This suggestion did not carry with it the unpleasurable emotions 
which the Mandarin anticipated it would. The fierce instincts which had 
been aroused within Ling by the incident in the cypress wood had died 



out, while his lamentable ignorance of military affairs was ever before his 
mind. These circumstances, together with his naturally gentle habits made 
him regard such a degradation rather favourably than otherwise. He was 
meditating within himself whether he could arrange such a course without 
delay when the Mandarin continued : 

" That, however, is a possibility which is remote to the extent of at 
least two or three years ; do not, therefore, let so unpleasing a thought 
cast darkness upon our brows or remove the unparalleled splendour of so 
refined an occasion. . . . Doubtless the accomplished Ling is a master of 
the art of chess-play, for many of our most thoughtful philosophers have 
declared war to be nothing but such a game ; let this slow-witted and 
cumbersome person have an opportunity, therefore, of polishing his 
declining faculties by a pleasant and dignified encounter." 



ON the next day, having completed his business at the Yamen, 
Ling left the town, and without desiring any ceremony quietly 
betook himself to his new residence within the camp, which 
was situated among the millet fields some distance from Si- 
chow, As soon as his presence became known all those who occupied 
positions of command, and whose years of service would shortly come to 
an end, hastened to present themselves before him, bringing with them 
offerings according to the rank they held, they themselves requiring a 
similar service from those beneath them. First among these, and next in 
command to Ling himself, was the Chief of Bowmen, a person whom 
Ling observed with extreme satisfaction to be very powerful in body 
and possessing a strong and dignified countenance which showed un- 
questionable resolution and shone with a tiger - like tenaciousness of 

" Undoubtedly," thought Ling, as he observed this noble and pre- 
possessing person, " here is one who will be able to assist me in whatever 
perplexities may arise. Never was there an individual who seemed more 
worthy to command and lead ; assuredly to him the most intricate and 
prolonged military positions will be an enjoyment ; the most crafty 
stratagems of the enemy as the full moon rising from behind a screen of 
rushes. Without making any pretence of knowledge, this person will 
explain the facts of the case to him and place himself without limit in 
his hands." 

For this purpose he therefore detained the Chief of Bowmen when 
the others departed, and complimented him, with many expressive phrases, 
on the excellence of his appearance, as the thought occurred to him that 
by this means, without disclosing the full measure of his ignorance, the 
person in question might be encouraged to speak unrestrainedly of the 
nature of his exploits, and perchance thereby explain the uses of the 
appliances employed and the meaning of the various words of order, in 
all of which details the Commander was as yet most disagreeably 
imperfect. In this, however, he was disappointed, for the Chief of 
Bowmen, greatly to Ling's surprise, received all his polished sentences 
with somewhat foolish smiles of great self-satisfaction, merely replying 



from time to time as he displayed his pigtail to greater advantage or 
rearranged his gold-embroidered cloak : 

" This person must really pray you to desist ; the honour is indeed 
too great." 

Disappointed in his hope, and not desiring after this circumstance to 
expose his shortcomings to one who was obviously not of a highly-refined 
understanding, no matter how great his valour in war or his knowledge of 
military affairs might be, Ling endeavoured to lead him to converse of the 
bowmen under his charge. In this matter he was more successful, for the 
Chief spoke at great length and with evilly-inspired contempt of their 
inelegance, their undiscriminating and excessive appetites, and the 
frequent use which they made of low words and gestures. Desiring to 
become acquainted rather with their methods of warfare than with their 
domestic details. Ling inquired of him what formation they relied upon 
when receiving the foemen. 

" It is a matter which has not engaged the attention of this one," 
replied the Chief, with an excessive absence of interest. " There are so 
many affairs of intelligent dignity which cannot be put aside, and which 
occupy one from beginning to end. As an example, this person may 
describe how the accomplished Li-Lu, generally depicted as the Blue- 
eyed Dove of Virtuous and Serpent-like Attitudes, has been scattering 
glory upon the Si-chow Hall of Celestial Harmony for many days past. 
It is an enlightened display which the high-souled Ling should certainly 
endeavour to dignify with his presence, especially at the portion where the 
amiable Li-Lu becomes revealed in the appearance of a Pekin sedan-chair 
bearer and describes the manner and likenesses of certain persons — chiefly 
high-priests of Buddha, excessively round-bodied merchants who feign to 
be detained within Pekin on affairs of commerce, maidens who attend at 
the tables of tea-houses, and those of both sexes who are within the city 
for the first time to behold its temples and open spaces — who are conveyed 
from place to place in the chair." 

" And the bowmen ? " suggested Ling, with difficulty restraining an 
undignified emotion. 

" Really, the elegant Ling will discover them to be persons of deficient 
manners, and quite unworthy of occupying his well-bred conversation," 
replied the Chief " As regards their methods — if the renowned Ling insists 
— they fight by means of their bows, with which they discharge arrows 
at the foemen, they themselves hiding behind trees and rocks. Should 
the enemy be undisconcerted by the cloud of arrows, and advance, the 
bowmen are instructed to make a last endeavour to frighten them back 
by uttering loud shouts and feigning the voices of savage beasts of the 
forest and deadly snakes." 

" And beyond that ? " inquired Ling. 

"Beyond that there are no instructions," replied the Chief. "The 
bowmen would then naturally take to flight, or, if such a course became 


The unprepossessing conduct of the chief of bowmen. 



impossible, run to meet the enemy, protesting that they were convinced* 
of the justice of their cause, and were determined to fight on their side in 
the future." 

" Would it not be of advantage to arm them with cutting weapons 
also ? " inquired Ling ; " so that when all their arrows were discharged 
they would still be able to take part ifi the fight, and not be lost 
to us?" 

" They would not be lost to us, of course," replied the Chief, " as 
we should still be with them. But such a course as the one you suggest 
could not fail to end in dismay. Being as well armed as ourselves, they 
would then turn upon us, and, having destroyed us, proceed to establish 
leaders of their own." 

As Ling and the Chief of Bowmen conversed in this enlightened 
manner, there arose a great outcry from among the tents, and presently 
there entered to them a spy who had discovered a strong force of the 
enemy not more than ten or twelve li away, who showed every indication 
of marching shortly in the direction of Si-chow. In numbers alone, he 
continued, they were greatly superior to the bowmen, and all were well 
armed. The spreading of this news threw the entire camp into great 
confusion, many protesting that the day was not a favourable one on 
which to fight, others crying out that it was their duty to fall back on 
Si-chow and protect the women and children. In the midst of this tumult 
the Chief of Bowmen returned to Ling, bearing in his hand a written 
paper which he regarded in uncontrollable anguish. 

" Oh, illustrious Ling," he cried, restraining his grief with difficulty, 
and leaning for support upon the shoulders of two bowmen, " how 
prosperous indeed are you ! What greater misfortune can engulf a person 
who is both an ambitious soldier and an afi^ectionate son, than to lose such 
a chance of glory and promotion as only occurs once within the lifetime, 
and an affectionate and venerable father upon the same day ? Behold this 
mandate to attend, without a moment's delay, at the funeral obsequies of 
one whom I left, only last week, in the fulness of health and power. The 
occasion being an unsuitable one, I will not call upon the courteous Ling 
to join with me in sorrow ; but his own devout filial piety is so well 
known that I conscientiously rely upon an application for absence to be 
only a matter of official ceremony." 

"The application will certainly be regarded as merely official 
ceremony," replied Ling, without resorting to any delicate pretence of 
meaning, " and the refined scruples of the person who is addressing me 
will be fully met by the official date of his venerated father's death being 
fixed for a more convenient season. In the meantime, the unobtrusive 
Chief of Bowmen may take the opportunity of requesting that the family 
tomb be kept unsealed until he is heard from again." 

Ling turned away, as he finished this remark, with a dignified 
feeling of not inelegant resentment. In this way he chanced to observe 



a large body of soldiers which was leaving the camp accompanied by 
their lesser captains, all crowned with garlands of flowers and creep- 
ing plants. In spite of his very inadequate attainments regarding words 
of order, the Commander made it understood by means of an ex- 
ceedingly short sentence that he was desirous of the men returning 
without delay. 

" Doubtless the accomplished Commander, being but newly arrived in 
this neighbourhood, is unacquainted with the significance of this display," 
said one of the lesser captains pleasantly. "Know, then, O wise and 
custom-respecting Ling, that on a similar day many years ago this valiant 
band of bowmen was engaged in a very honourable affair with certain 
of the enemy. Since then it has been the practice to commemorate the 
matter with music and other forms of delight within the large square 
at Si-chow." 

"Such customs are excellent," said Ling affably. "On this 
occasion, however, the public square will be so insufferably thronged 
with the number of timorous and credulous villagers who have pressed 
into the town that insufficient justice would be paid to your entranc- 
ing display. In consequence of this, we will select for the purpose 
some convenient spot in the neighbourhood. The proceedings will 
be commenced by a display of arrow-shooting at moving objects, 
followed by racing and dancing, in which this person will lead. I have 

At these words many of the more courageous ,among the bowmen 
became destructively inspired, and raised shouts of defiance against the 
enemy, enumerating at great length the indignities which they would 
heap upon their prisoners. Cries of distinction were also given on behalf 
of Ling, even the most terrified exclaiming : 

" The noble Commander Ling will lead us ! He has promised, and 
assuredly he will not depart from his word. Shielded by his broad and 
sacred body, from which the bullets glance aside harmlessly, we will 
advance upon the enemy in the stealthy manner affected by ducks when 
crossing the swamp. How altogether superior a person our Commander 
is when likened unto the leaders of the foemen — they who go into battle 
completely surrounded by their archers ! " 

Upon this, perceiving the clear direction in which matters were 
turning, the Chief of Bowmen again approached Ling. 

" Doubtless the highly-favoured person whom I am now addressing 
has been endowed with exceptional authority direct from Pekin," he 
remarked, with insidious politeness. " Otherwise this narrow-minded 
individual would suggest that such a decision does not come within 
the judgment of a Commander." 

In his ignorance of military matters, it had not entered the mind of 
Ling that his authority did not give him the power to commence an 
attack without consulting other and more distinguished persons. At the 




suggestion, which he accepted as being composed of truth, he paused, 
the enlightened zeal with which he had been inspired dying out as he 
plainly understood the difficulties by which he was enclosed. There 
seemed a single expedient path for him in the matter ; so directing a 
person of exceptional trustworthiness to prepare himself for a journey, he 
inscribed a communication to the Mandarin Li Keen, in which he 
narrated the facts and asked for speedy directions, and then despatched 
it with great urgency to Si-chow. 



WHEN these matters were arranged, Ling returned to his 
tent, a victim to feelings of a deep and confused doubt, 
for all courses seemed to be surrounded by extreme danger, 
with the strong probability of final disaster. While he 
was considering these things attentively, the spy who had brought word 
of the presence of the enemy again sought him. As he entered. Ling 
perceived that his face was the colour of a bleached linen garment, 
while there came with him the odour of sickness. 

" There are certain matters which this person has not made known," 
he said, having first expressed a request that he might not be compelled to 
stand while he conversed, "The bowmen are as an inferior kind of jackal, 
and they who lead them are pigs, but this person has observed that the 
Heaven-sent Commander has internal organs like steel hardened in a 
white fire and polished by running water. For this reason he will narrate 
to him the things he has seen — things at which the lesser ones would 
undoubtedly perish in terror without offering to strike a blow." 
" Speak," said Ling, " without fear and without concealment." 
" In numbers the rebels are as three to one with the bowmen, and 
are, in addition, armed with matchlocks and other weapons ; this much I 
have already told," said the spy. " Yesterday they entered the village of Ki 
without resistance, as the dwellers there were all peaceable persons, who 
gain a living from the fields, and who neither understood nor troubled 
about the matters between the rebels and the army. Relying on the 
promises made by the rebel chiefs, the villagers even welcomed them, as 
they had been assured that they came as buyers of their corn and rice. To- 
day not a house stands in the street of Ki, not a person lives. The men 
they slew quickly, or held for torture, as they desired at the moment ; 
the boys they hung from the trees as marks for their arrows. Of the 
women and children this person, who has since been subject to several 
attacks of fainting and vomiting, desires not to speak. The wells of Ki 
are filled with the bodies of such as had the good fortune to be warned 
in time to slay themselves. The cattle drag themselves from place to 
place on their forefeet ; the fish in the Heng-Kiang are dying, for they 
cannot live on water thickened into blood. All these things this person 
has seen." 



When he had finished speaking, Ling remained in deep and funereal 
thought for some time. In spite of his mild nature, the words which he 
had heard filled him with an inextinguishable desire to slay in hand-to-hand 
fighting. He regretted that he had placed the decision of the matter before 
Li Keen. • 

" If only this person had a mere handful of brave and expert warriors, 
he would not hesitate to fall upon those savage and barbarous characters, 
and either destroy them to the last one, or let his band suffer a like fate," 
he murmured to himself. 

The return of the messenger found him engaged in reviewing the 
bowmen, and still in this mood, so that it was with a commendable 
feeling of satisfaction, no less than virtuous contempt, that he learned of 
the Mandarin's journey to Pekin as soon as he understood that the rebels 
were certainly in the neighbourhood. 

" The wise and ornamental Li Keen is undoubtedly consistent in all 
matters," said Ling, with some refined bitterness. " The only information 
regarding his duties which this person obtained from him chanced to be a 
likening of war to skilful chess-play, and to this end the accomplished 
person in question has merely availed himself of a common expedient 
which places him at the remote side of the divine Emperor. Yet this 
act is not unwelcome, for the responsibility of deciding, what course is 
to be adopted now clearly rests with this person. He is, as those who 
are standing by may perceive, of under the usual height, and of no 
particular mental or bodily attainments. But he has eaten the rice of the 
Emperor, and wears the Imperial sign embroidered upon his arm. Before 
him are encamped the enemies of his master and of his land, and in no 
way will he turn his back upon them. Against brave and skilful men, 
such as those whom this person commands, rebels of a low and degraded 
order are powerless, and are, moreover, openly forbidden to succeed by 
the Forty-second Mandate in the Sacred Book of Arguments. Should it 
have happened that into this assembly any person of a perfidious or 
uncourageous nature has gained entrance by guile, and has been undetected 
and driven forth by his outraged companions (as would certainly occur if 
such a person were discovered), I, Ling, Commander of Bowmen, make 
an especial and well-considered request that he shall be struck by a 
molten thunderbolt if he turns to flight or holds thoughts of treachery." 

Having thus addressed and encouraged the soldiers, Ling instructed 
them that each one should cut and fashion for himself a graceful but 
weighty club from among the branches of the trees around, and then 
return to the tents for the purpose of receiving food and rice spirit. 

When noon was passed, allowing such time as would enable him to 
reach the camp of the enemy an hour before darkness, Ling arranged the 
bowmen in companies of convenient numbers, and commenced the march, 
sending forward spies, who were to work silently and bring back tidings 
from every point. In this way he penetrated to within a single li of the 



ruins of Ki, being informed by the spies that no outposts of the enemy 
were between him and that place. Here the first rest was made to enable 
the more accurate and bold spies to reach them with trustworthy informa- 
tion regarding the position and movements of the camp. With little delay 
there returned the one who had brought the earliest tidings, bruised and 
torn with his successful haste through the forest, but wearing a com- 
placent and well-satisfied expression of countenance. Without hesitation 
or waiting to demand money before he would reveal his knowledge, he 
at once disclosed that the greater part of the enemy were rejoicing among 
the ruins of Ki, they having discovered there a quantity of opium and a 
variety of liquids, while only a small guard remained in the camp with 
their weapons ready. At these words Ling sprang from the ground in 
gladness, so. great was his certainty of destroying the invaders utterly. It 
was, however, with less pleasurable emotions that he considered how he 
should effect the matter, for it was in no way advisable to divide his 
numbers into two bands. Without any feeling of unendurable conceit, he 
understood that no one but himself could hold the bowmen before an 
assault, however weak. In a similar manner he determined that it would 
be more advisable to attack those in the village first. These he might 
have reasonable hopes of cutting down without warning the camp, or, in 
any event, before those from the camp arrived. To assail the camp first 
would assuredly, by the firing, draw down upon them those from the 
village, and in whatever evil state these might arrive, they would, by 
their numbers, terrify the bowmen, who without doubt would have 
suffered some loss from the matchlocks. 

Waiting for the last light of the day. Ling led on the men again, and 
sending forward some of the most reliable, surrounded the place of the 
village silently and without detection. In the open space, among broken 
casks and other inconsiderable matters, plainly shown by the large fires 
at which burned the last remains of the houses of Ki, many tnen moved 
or lay, some already dull or in heavy sleep. As the darkness dropped 
suddenly, the signal of a peacock's shriek, three times uttered, rang forth, 
and immediately a cloud of arrows, directed from all sides, poured in 
among those who feasted. Seeing their foemen defenceless before them, 
the archers neglected the orders they had received, and throwing away 
their bows they rushed in with uplifted clubs, uttering loud shouts of 
triumph. The next moment a shot was fired in the wood, drums beat, 
and in an unbelievably short space of time a small but well-armed band of 
the enemy was among them. Now that all need of caution was at an end, 
Lmg rushed forward with raised sword, calling to his men that victory 
was certainly theirs, and dealing discriminating and inspiriting blows 
whenever he met a foeman. Three times he formed the bowmen into a 
figure emblematic of triumph, and led them against the line of match- 
locks. Twice they fell back, leaving mingled dead under the feet of the 
enemy. The third time they stood firm, and Ling threw himself against 




the waving rank in a noble and inspired endeavour to lead the way 
through. At that moment, when a very distinguished victory seemtd 
within his hand, his elegant and well-constructed sword broke upon an 
iron shield, leaving him defenceless and surrounded by the enemy. 

" Chief among the sublime virtues eq^pined by the divine Confucius," 
began Ling, folding his arms and speaking in an unmoved voice, " is an 

intelligent submission " but at that word he fell beneath a rain of 

heavy and unquestionably well-aimed blows. 



BETWEEN Si-chow and the village of Ki, in a house com- 
pletely hidden from travellers by the tall and black trees which 
surrounded it, lived an aged and very wise person whose ways 
and manner of living had become so distasteful to his neigh- 
bours that they at length agreed to regard him as a powerful and 
ill-disposed magician. In this way it became a custom that all very 
unseemly deeds committed by those who, in the ordinary course, would 
not be guilty of such behaviour, should be attributed to his influence, 
so that justice might be effected without persons of assured respectability 
being put to any inconvenience. Apart from the feeling which resulted 
from this just decision, the uncongenial person in question had become 
exceedingly unpopular on account of certain definite actions of his own, 
as that of causing the greater part of Si-chow to be burned down by 
secretly breathing upon the seven sacred water-jugs to which the town 
owed its prosperity and freedom from fire. Furthermore, although 
possessed of many taels, and able to afford such food as is to be found 
upon the tables of mandarins, he selected from choice dishes of an 
objectionable nature ; he had been observed to eat eggs of unbecoming 
freshness, and the Si-Choiv Official Printed Leaf made it public that he 
had, on an excessively hot occasion, openly partaken of cow's milk. It 
is not a matter for wonder, therefore, that when unnaturally loud thunder 
was heard in the neighbourhood of Si-chow the more ignorant and 
credulous persons refused to continue in any description of work until 
certain ceremonies connected with rice spirit, and the adherence to a 
reclining position for some hours, had been conscientiously observed as 
a protection against evil. 

Not even the most venerable person in Si-chow could remember the 
time when the magician had not lived there, and as there existed no 
written record narrating the incident, it was with well-founded probability 
that he was said to be incapable of death. Contrary to the most general 
practice, although quite unmarried, he had adopted no son to found a line 
which would worship his memory in future years, but had instead brought 
up and caused to be educated in the most difficult varieties of embroidery 
a young girl, to whom he referred, for want of a more suitable description, 



as the daughter of his sister, although he would admit without hesitation, 
when closely questioned, that he had never possessed a sister, at the same 
time, however, alluding with some pride to many illustrious brothers, who 
had all obtained distinction in various employments. 

Few persons of any high position p^petrated into the house of the 
magician, and most of these retired with inelegant haste on perceiving 
that no domestic altar embellished the great hall. Indeed, not to make 
concealment of the fact, the magician was a person who had entirely 
neglected the higher virtues in an avaricious pursuit of wealth. In that 
way all his time and a very large number of taels had been expended, 
testing results by means of the four elements, and putting together things 
which had been inadequately arrived at by others. It was confidently 
asserted in Si-chow that he possessed every manner of printed leaf which 
had been composed in whatsoever language, and all the most precious 
charms, including many snake-skins of more than ordinary rarity, and 
the fang of a black wolf which had been stung by seven scorpions. 

On the death of his father the magician had become possessed of 
great wealth, yet he contributed little to the funeral obsequies, nor did 
any suggestion of a durable and expensive nature for conveying his 
enlightened name and virtues down to future times cause his face to 
become gladdened. In order to preserve greater secrecy about the enchant- 
ments which he certainly performed, he employed only two persons within 
the house, one of whom was blind and the other deaf. In this ingenious 
manner he hoped to receive attention and yet be unobserved — the blind 
one being unable to see the nature of the incantations which he undertook, 
and the deaf one being unable to hear the words. In this, however, he was 
unsuccessful, as the two persons always contrived to be present together, 
and to explain to one another the nature of the various matters afterwards ; 
but as they were of somewhat deficient understanding, the circumstance 
was unimportant. 

It was with more uneasiness that the magician perceived one day 
that the maiden whom he had adopted was no longer a child. As he 
desired secrecy above all things until he should have completed the one 
important matter for which he had laboured all his life, he decided with 
extreme unwillingness to put into operation a powerful charm towards 
her, which would have the effect of diminishing all her attributes until 
such time as he might release her again. Owing to his reluctance in the 
matter, however, the magic did not act fully, but only in such a way that 
her feet became naturally and without binding the most perfect and 
beautiful in the entire province of Hu Nan, so that ever afterwards she 
was called Pan Fei Mian, in delicate reference to that Empress whose 
feet were so symmetrical that a golden lily sprang up wherever she trod. 
Afterwards the magician made no further essay in the matter, chiefly 
because he was ever convinced that the accomplishment of his desire 
was within his grasp. 



The rumours of armed men in the neighbourhood of Si-chow threw 
the magician into an unendurable condition of despair. To lose all, as 
would most assuredly happen if he had to leave his arranged rooms and 
secret preparations and take to flight, was the more bitter because he felt 
surer than ever that success was even standing by his side. The very subtle 
liquid, which would mix itself into the component parts of the living 
creature which drank it, and by an insidious and harmless process so work 
that, when the spirit departed, the flesh would become resolved into a 
figure of pure and solid gold of the finest quality, had engaged the refined 
minds of many of the most expert individuals of remote ages. With most 
of these inspired persons, however, the search had been undertaken in 
pure-minded benevolence, their chief aim being an honourable desire to 
discover a method by which one's ancestors might be permanently and 
effectively preserved in a fit and becoming manner to receive the worship 
and veneration of posterity. Yet, in spite of these amiable motives, and of 
the fact that the magician merely desired the possession of the secret to 
enable him to become excessively wealthy, the affair had been so arranged 
that it should come into his possession. 

The matter which concerned Mian in the dark wood, when she was 
only saved by the appearance of the person who is already known as Ling, 
entirely removed all pleasurable emotions from the magician's mind, and 
on many occasions he stated in a definite and systematic manner that he 
would shortly end an ignoble career which seemed to be destined only to 
gloom and disappointment. In this way an important misunderstanding 
arose, for when, two days later, during the sound of matchlock firing, 
the magician suddenly approached the presence of Mian with an un- 
controllable haste and an entire absence of dignified demeanour, and fell 
dead at her feet without expressing himself on any subject whatever, she 
deliberately judged that in this manner he had carried his remark into 
effect ; nor did the closed vessel of yellow liquid which he held in his 
hand seem to lead away from this decision. In reality, the magician had 
fallen owing to the heavy and conflicting emotions which success had 
engendered in an intellect already greatly weakened by his continual 
disregard of the higher virtues ; for the bottle, indeed, contained the 
perfection of his entire life's study, the very expensive and three-times- 
purified gold liquid. 

On perceiving the magician's condition, Mian at once called for the 
two attendants, and directed them to bring from an inner chamber all the 
most effective curing substances, whether in the form of powder or liquid. 
When these proved useless, no matter in what way they were applied, it 
became evident that there could be very little hope of restoring the 
magician, yet so courageous and grateful for the benefits which she had 
received from the person in question was Mian, that, in spite of the 
uninviting dangers of the enterprise, she determined to journey to Ki to 
invoke the assistance of a certain person who was known to be very 


A powerful and ill-disposed magician. 


successful in casting out malicious demons from the bodies of animals, 
and from casks and barrels, in which they frequently took refuge, to 
the great detriment of the quality of the liquid placed therein. 

Not without many hidden fears, Mian set out on her journey, greatly 
desiring not to be subjected to an encounter^f a nature similar to the one 
already recorded ; for in such a case she could hardly again hope for the 
inspired arrival of the one whom she now often thought of in secret as the 
well-formed and symmetrical young sword-user. Nevertheless, an event of 
equal significance was destined to prove the wisdom of the well-known 
remark concerning thoughts which are occupying one's intellect and the 
unexpected appearance of a very formidable evil spirit ; for as she passed 
along, quickly yet with so dignified a motion that the moss received no 
impression beneath her footsteps, she became aware of a circumstance which 
caused her to stop by imparting to her mind two definite and greatly dis- 
similar emotions. 

In a grassy and open space, on the verge of which she stood, lay the 
dead bodies of seventeen rebels, all disposed in very degraded attitudes, which 
contrasted strongly with the easy and becoming position adopted by the 
eighteenth — one who bore the unmistakable emblems of the Imperial army. 
In this brave and noble-looking personage Mian at once saw her preserver, 
and not doubting that an inopportune and treacherous death had overtaken 
him, she ran forward and raised him in her arms, being well assured that 
however indiscreet such an action might appear in the case of an ordinary 
person, the most select maiden need not hesitate to perform so honourable 
a service in regard to one whose virtues had by that time undoubtedly 
placed him among the Three Thousand Pure Ones. Being disturbed in this 
providential manner. Ling opened his eyes, and faintly murmuring, " Oh, 
sainted and adorable Koon Yam, Goddess of Charity, intercede for me with 
Buddha ! " he again lost possession of himself in the Middle Air. At this 
remark, which plainly proved Ling to be still alive, in spite of the fact that 
both the maiden and the person himself had thoughts to the contrary, Mian 
found herself surrounded by a variety of embarrassing circumstances, among 
which occurred a remembrance of the dead magician and the wise person 
at Ki whom she had set out to summon ; but on considering the various 
natural and sublime laws which bore directly on the alternative before her, 
she discovered that her plain destiny was to endeavour to retain the breath 
in the person who was still alive rather than engage on the very unsatisfac- 
tory chance of attempting to call it back to the body from which it had so 
long been absent. 

Having been inspired to this conclusion — which, when she later 
examined her mind, she found not to be repulsive to her own inner feelings 
— Mian returned to the house with dexterous speed, and calling together 
the two attendants, she endeavoured by means of signs and drawings to 
explain to them what she desired to accomplish. Succeeding in this after 
some delay (for the persons in question, being very illiterate and narrow- 



minded, were unable at first to understand the existence of any recumbent 
male person other than the dead magician, whom they thereupon commenced 
to bury in the garden with expressions of great satisfaction at their own 
intelligence in comprehending Mian's meaning so readily), they all journeyed 
to the wood, and bearing Ling between them, they carried him to the house 
without further adventure. 



IT was in the month of Hot Dragon Breaths, many weeks after the 
fight in the woods of Ki, that Ling again opened his eyes, to find 
himself in an unknown chamber, and to recognise in the one who 
visited him from time to time the incomparable maiden whose 
life he had saved in the cypress glade. Not a day had passed in the 
meanwhile on which Mian had neglected to offer sacrifices to Chang- 
Chung, the deity interested in drugs and healing substances, nor had she 
wavered in her firm resolve to bring Ling back to an ordinary existence 
even when the two attendants had protested that the person in question 
might without impropriety be sent to the Restoring Establishment of 
the Last Chance, so little did his hope of recovering rest upon the efforts 
of living beings. 

After he had beheld Mian's face and understood the circumstances of 
his escape and recovery. Ling quickly shook off the evil vapours which had 
held him down so long, and presently he was able to walk slowly in the 
courtyard and in the shady paths of the wood beyond, leaning upon Mian 
for the support he still required. 

" Oh, graceful one," he said on such an occasion when little stood 
between him and the full powers which he had known before the battle, 
" there is a matter which has been pressing upon this person's mind for 
some time past. It is as dark after light to let the thoughts dwell around 
it, yet the thing itself must inevitably soon be regarded, for in this life one's 
actions are for ever regulated by conditions which are neither of one's own 
seeking nor within one's power of controlling." 

At these words all brightness left Mian's manner, for she at once 
understood that Ling referred to his departure, of which she herself had 
lately come to think with unrestrained agitation. 

" Oh, Ling," she exclaimed at length, " most expert of sword-users 
and most noble of men, surely never was a maiden more inelegantly placed 
than the one who is now by your side. To you she owes her life, yet it is 
unseemly for her even to speak of the incident ; to you she must look for 
protectioh, yet she cannot ask you to stay by her side. She is indeed alone. 
The magician is dead, Ki has fallen, Ling is going, and Mian is undoubtedly 
the most unhappy and solitary person between The Wall and the Nan 



" Beloved Mian," exclaimed Ling, with inspiring vehemence, " and is 
not the utterly unworthy person before you indebted to you in a double 
measure that life is still within him ? Is not the strength which now pro- 
motes him to such exceptional audacity as to aspire to your lovely hand, 
of your own creating ? Only encourage Ling to entertain a well-founded 
hope that on his return he shall not find you partaking of the wedding 
feast of some wealthy and exceptionally round-bodied mandarin, and this 
person will accomplish the journey to Canton and back as it were in four 

" Oh, Ling, reflection of my ideal, holder of my soul, it would indeed 
be very disagreeable to my own feelings to make any reply save one," 
repHed Mian, scarcely above a breath-voice. " Gratitude alone would direct 
me, were it not that the great love which fills me leaves no resting-place 
for any other emotion than itself Go if you must, but return quickly, for 
your absence will weigh upon Mian like a dragon-dream." 

" Violet light of my eyes," exclaimed Ling, " even in surroundings 
which with the exception of the matter before us are uninspiring in the 
extreme, your virtuous and retiring encouragement yet raises me to such 
a commanding eminence of demonstrative happiness that I fear I shall 
become intolerably self-opinionated towards my fellow-men in conse- 

" Such a thing is impossible with my Ling," said Mian, with convic- 
tion. " But must you indeed journey to Canton V 

" Alas ! " replied Ling, " gladly would this person decide against such 
a course did the matter rest with him, for as The Verses say, ' It is need- 
less to apply the ram's head to the unlocked door.' But Ki is demolished, 
the unassuming Mandarin Li Keen has retired to Pekin, and of the fortunes 
of his bowmen this person is entirely ignorant." 

" Such as survived returned to their homes," replied Mian, " and Si- 
chow is safe, for the scattered and broken rebels fled to the . mountains 
again ; so much this person has learned." 

" In that case Si-chow is undoubtedly safe for the time, and can be 
left with prudence," said Ling. " It is an unfortunate circumstance .that 
there is no mandarin oF authority between here and Canton who can receive 
from this person a statement of past facts and give him instructions for the 

" And what will be the nature of such instructions as will be given at 
Canton ? " demanded Mian. 

" By chance they may take the form of raising another company of 
bowmen," said Ling, with a sigh, " but, indeed, if this person can obtain 
any weight by means of his past service, they will tend towards a pleasant 
and unambitious civil appointment." 

" Oh, my artless and noble-minded lover ! " exclaimed Mian, "assuredly 
a veil has been before your eyes during your residence in Canton, and your 
naturally benevolent mind has turned all things into good, or you would 


The lotus-hung meeting-place of the two with whom the 
printed leaves are chiefly concerned. 


not thus hopefully refer to your brilliant exploits in the past. Of what com- 
mercial benefit have they been to the sordid and miserly persons in authority, 
or in what way have they diverted a stream of taels into their insatiable 
pockets ? Far greater is the chance that had Si-chow fallen many of its 
household goods would have found their w^^ into the Yamens of Canton. 
Assuredly in Li Keen you will have a friend who will make many delicate 
allusions to your ancestors when you meet, and yet one who will float many 
barbed whispers to follow you when you have passed ; for you have planted 
shame before him in the eyes of those who would otherwise neither have 
eyes to see nor tongues to discuss the matter. It is for such a reason that 
this person mistrusts all things connected with the journey, except your 
constancy, oh, my true and strong one." 

" Such faithfulness would alone be sufficient to assure my safe return 
if the matter were properly represented to the supreme Deities," said 
Ling. " Let not the thin curtain of bitter water stand before your lustrous 
eyes any longer, then. The events which have followed one another in the 
past few days in a fashion that can only b£ likened to thunder following 
lightning are indeed sufficient to distress one with so refined and swanlike 
an organisation, but they are now assuredly at an end." 

" It is a hope of daily recurrence to this person," replied Mian, 
honourably endeavouring to restrain the emotion which openly exhibited 
itself in her eyes ; " for what maiden- would not rather make successful 
offerings to the Great Mother Kum-Fa than have the most imposing and 
verbose Triumphal Arch erected to commemorate an empty and unsatisfy- 
ing constancy ? " 

% In this amiable manner the matter was arranged between Ling and 
Mian, as they sat together in the magician's garden drinking peach-tea, 
which the two attendants — not without discriminating and significant ex- 
pressions between themselves — brought to them from time to time. Here 
Ling made clear the whole manner of his life from his earliest memory to 
the time when he fell in dignified combat, nor did Mian withhold anything, 
explaining in particular such charms and spells of the magician as she had 
knowledge of, and in this graceful manner materially assisting her lover in 
the many disagreeable encounters and conflicts which he was shortly to 

It was with even more objectionable feelings than before that Ling 
now contemplated his journey to Canton, involving as it did the separation 
from one who had become as the shadow of his existence, and by whose 
side he had an undoubted claim to stand. Yet the necessity of the under- 
taking was no less than before, and the full possession of all his natural 
powers took away his only excuse for delaying in the matter. Without 
any pleasurable anticipations, therefore, he consulted the Sacred Flat and 
Round Sticks, and learning that the following day would be propitious for 
the journey, he arranged to set out in accordance with the omen. 

When the final moment arrived at which the invisible threads of con- 



stantly passing emotions from one to the other must be broken, and when 
Mian perceived that her lover's horse was restrained at the door by the two 
attendants, who with unsuspected delicacy of feeling had taken this oppor- 
tunity of withdrawing, the noble endurance which had hitherto upheld her 
melted away, and she became involved in very melancholy and obscure 
meditations until she observed that Ling also was quickly becoming affected 
in a similar gloom, 

" Alas ! " she exclaimed, " how unworthy a person I am thus to 
impose upon my lord a greater burden than that which already weighs him 
down ! Rather ought this one to dwell upon the happiness of that day, 
when, after successfully evading or overthrowing the numerous bands of 
assassins which infest the road from here to Canton, and after escaping or 
recovering from the many deadly pestilences which invariably reduce that 
city at this season of the year, he shall triumphantly return. Assuredly 
there is a highly-polished surface united to every action in life, no matter 
how funereal it may at first appear. Indeed, there are many incidents 
compared with which death itself is welcome, and to this end Mian has 
reserved a farewell gift." Speaking in this manner the devoted and mag- 
nanimous maiden placed in Ling's hands the transparent vessel of liquid 
which the magician had grasped when he fell. "This person," she con- 
tinued, speaking with difficulty, " places her lover's welfare incomparably 
before her own happiness, and should he ever find himself in a situation 
which is unendurably oppressive, and from which death is the only escape 
— such as inevitable tortures, the infliction of violent madness, or the sub- 
jection by magic to the will of some designing woman — she begs him to 
accept this means of freeing himself without regarding her anguish beyond 
expressing a clearly defined last wish that the two persons in question may 
be in the end happily reunited in another existence." 

Assured by this last evidence of affection. Ling felt that he had no 
longer any reason for internal heaviness ; his spirits were immeasurably 
raised by the fragrant incense of Mian's great devotion, and under its 
influence he was even able to breathe towards her a few words of similar 
comfort as he left the spot and began his journey. 


The significant behaviour of the one who is blind and the 
other deaf. 


ON entering Canton, which he successfully accomplished without 
any unpleasant adventure, the marked absence of any dignified 
ostentation which had been accountable for many of Ling's 
misfortunes in the past, impelled him again to reside in the 
same insignificant apartment that he had occupied when he first visited 
the city as an unknown and unimportant candidate. In consequence of 
this, when Ling was communicating to any person the signs by which 
messengers might find him, he was compelled to add, " The neighbourhood 
in which this contemptible person resides is that officially known as 
' the mean quarter favoured by the lower class of those who murder by 
treachery,' " and for this reason he was not always treated with the regard 
to which his attainments entitled him, or which he would have un- 
questionably received had he been able to describe himself as of " the 
partly-drained and uninfected area reserved to Mandarins and their friends." 
It was with an ignoble feeling of mental distress that Ling exhibited 
himself at the Chief Office of Warlike Deeds and Arrangements on the 
following day ; for the many disadvantageous incidents of his past life had 
repeated themselves before his eyes while he slept, and the not unhopeful 
emotions which he had felt when in the inspiring presence of Mian were 
now altogether absent. In spite of the fact that he reached the office during 
the early gong strokes of the morning, it was not until the withdrawal of 
light that he reached any person who was in a position to speak with him 
on the matter, so numerous were the lesser ones through whose chambers 
he had to pass in the process. At length he found himself in the presence 
of an upper one who had the appearance of being acquainted with the 
circumstances, and who received him with dignity, though not with any 
embarrassing exhibition of respect or servility. 

" ' The hero of the illustrious encounter beyond the walls of Si-chow,' " 
exclaimed that official, reading the words from the tablet of introduction 
which Ling had caused to-be carried in to him, and at the same time 
examining the person in question closely. " Indeed, no such one is known 
to those within this office, unless the words chance to point to the courteous 
and unassuming Mandarin Li Keen, who, however, is at this moment 
recovering his health at Pekin, as set forth in the amiable and impartial 
report which we have lately received from him." 



At these words Ling plainly understood that there was little hope of 
the past events becoming profitable on his account. 

" Did not the report to which allusion has been made bear reference 
to one Ling, Commander of Archers, who thrice led on the fighting men, 
and who was finally successful in causing the rebels to disperse towards the 
mountains ? " he asked, in a voice which somewhat trembled. 

" There is certainly reference to one of the name you mention," said 
the other ; " but regarding the terms — perhaps this person would better 
protect his own estimable time by displaying the report within your sight." 

With these words the upper one struck a gong several times, and after 
receiving from an inner chamber the parchment in question, he placed it 
before Ling, at the same time directing a lesser one to interpose between it 
and the one who read it a large sheet of transparent substance, so that 
destruction might not come to it, no matter in what way its contents 
affected the reader. Thereon Ling perceived the following facts, very 
skilfully inscribed with the evident purpose of inducing persons to believe, 
without question, that words so elegantly traced must of necessity be truth- 
ful also : 

" A Benevolent 'Example of the Intelligent Arrangement by which the most 
Worthy Persons outlive those who are Incapable. 

" The circumstances connected with the office of the valuable and 
accomplished Mandarin of Warlike Deeds and Arrangements at Si-chow 
have, in recent times, been of anything but a prepossessing order. Owing 
to the very inadequate methods adopted by those who earn a livelihood by 
conveying necessities from the more enlightened portions of the Empire 
to that place, it so came about that for a period of five days the Yam6n 
was entirely unsupplied with the fins of sharks or even with goats' eyes. 
To add to the polished Mandarin's distress of mind the barbarous and slow- 
witted rebels who infest those parts took this opportunity to destroy the 
town and most of its inhabitants, the matter coming about as follows : — 

" The feeble and commonplace person named Ling who commanded 
the bowmen had but recently been elevated to that distinguished position 
from a menial and degraded occupation (for which, indeed, his stunted 
mtellect more aptly fitted him) ; and being in consequence very greatly 
puffed out in self-gratification, he became an easy prey to the cunning of 
the rebels, and allowed himself to be beguiled into a trap, paying for his 
contemptible stupidity with his life. The town of Si-chow was then 
attacked, and being in this manner left defenceless through the weakness 
—or treachery— of the person Ling, who had contrived to encompass the 
entire destruction of his unyielding company, it fell after a determined and 
irreproachable resistance ; the Mandarin Li Keen being told, as, covered 
with the blood of the foemen, he was dragged away from the thickest part 
of the unequal conflict by his followers, that he was the last person to leave 



the town. On his way to Pekin with news of this valiant defence, the Man- 
darin was joined by the Chief of Bowmen, who had understood and avoided 
the very obvious snare into which the stagnant-minded Commander had 
led his followers, in spite of disinterested advice to the contrary. For this 
intelligent perception, and for general nobiltty of conduct when in battle, 
the versatile Chief of Bowmen is by this written paper strongly recommended 
to the dignity of receiving the small metal Embellishment of Valour, 

" It has been suggested to the Mandarin Li Keen that the bestowal of 
the Crystal Button would only be a fit and graceful reward for his indefatig- 
able efforts to uphold the dignity of the sublime Emperor ; but to all such 
persons the Mandarin has sternly replied that such a proposal would more 
fitly originate from the renowned and valuable Office of Warlike Deeds and 
Arrangements, he well knowing that the wise and engaging persons who 
conduct that indispensable and well-regulated department are gracefully 
voracious in their efforts to reward merit, even when it is displayed, as in 
the case in question, by one who from his position will inevitably soon be 
urgently petitioning in a like manner on their behalf." 

When Ling had finished reading this elegantly arranged but exceed- 
ingly misleading parchment, he looked up with eyes from which he vainly 
endeavoured to restrain the signs of undignified emotion, and said to the 
upper one : 

" It is a difficult employment for a person to refrain from unendurable 
thoughts when his unassuming and really conscientious efforts are repre- 
sented in a spirit of no satisfaction, yet in this matter the very expert Li 
Keen appears to have gone beyond himself; the Commander Ling, who is 
herein represented as being slain by the enemy, is, indeed, the person who 
is standing before you, and all the other statements are in a like exactness." 

" The short-sighted individual who for some hidden desire of his own 
is endeavouring to present himself as the corrupt and degraded creature 
Ling, has overlooked one important circumstance," said the upper one, 
smiling in a very intolerable manner, at the same time causing his head to 
move slightly from side to side in the fashion of one who rebukes with 
assumed geniality ; and, turning over the written paper, he displayed upon 
the under side the Imperial vermilion Sign. " Perhaps," he continued, 
" the omniscient person will still continue in his remarks, even with the 
evidence of the Emperor's unerring pencil to refute him." 

At these words and the undoubted testimony of the red mark, which 
plainly declared the whole of the written matter to be composed of truth, 
no matter what might afterwards transpire. Ling understood that very little 
prosperity remained with him. 

" But the town of Si-chow," he suggested, after examining his mind ; 
" if any person in authority visited the place, he would inevitably find it 
standing and its inhabitants in agreeable health." 

" The persistent person who is so assiduously occupying my intellectual 

D . 49 


moments with empty words seems to be unaccountably deficient in his 
knowledge of the customs of refined society and of the meaning of the 
Imperial Signet," said the other, with an entire absence of benevolent con- 
sideration. " That Si-chow has fallen and that Ling is dead are two utterly 
uncontroversial matters truthfully recorded. If a person visited Si-chow, 
he might find it rebuilt or even inhabited by those from the neighbouring 
villages or by evil spirits taking the forms of the ones who formerly lived 
there ; as, in a like manner. Ling might be restored to existence by magic, 
or his body might be found and possessed by an outcast demon who desired 
to revisit the earth for a period. Such circumstances do not in any way dis- 
turb the announcement that Si-chow has without question fallen, and that 
Ling has officially ceased to live, of which events notifications have been 
sent to all who are concerned in the matters." 

As the upper one ceased speaking, four strokes sounded upon the gong, 
and Ling immediately found himself carried into the street by the current 
of both lesser and upper ones who poured forth at the signal. 

The termination of this conversation left Ling in a more unenviable 
state of dejection than any of the many preceding misfortunes had done, for 
with enlarged inducements to possess himself of a competent appointment 
he seemed to be even further removed from this attainment than he had 
been at any time in his life. He might, indeed, present himself again for 
the public examinations ; but in order to do even that it would be necessary 
for him to wait almost a year, nor could he assure himself that his efforts 
would again be likely to result in an equal success. Doubts also arose within 
his mind of the course which he should follow in such a case ; whether to 
adopt a new name, involving as it would certain humiliation and perhaps 
disgrace if detection overtook his footsteps, or still to possess the title of 
one who was in a measure dead, and hazard the likelihood of having any 
prosperity which he might obtain reduced to nothing if the fact should 
become public. » 

As Ling reflected upon such details he found himself without intention 
before the house of a wise person who had become very wealthy by advis- 
ing others on all matters, but chiefly on those connected with strange 
occurrences and such events as could not be settled definitely either one way 
or the other until a remote period had been reached. Becoming assailed by 
a curious desire to know what manner of evils particularly attached them- 
selves to such as were officially dead but who nevertheless had an ordinary 
existence. Ling placed himself before this person, and after arranging the 
manner of reward, related to him so many of the circumstances as were 
necessary to enable a full understanding to be reached, but at the same time 
in no way betraying his own interest in the matter. 

" Such inflictions are to no degree frequent," said the wise person 
after he had consulted a polished sphere of the finest red jade for some 
time ; " and this is in a measure to be regretted, as the hair of these persons 
— provided they die a violent death, which is invariably the case — con- 

Mian's opportune gift by which circumstances are turned 
into a diverging course. 


stitutes a certain protection against being struck by falling stars, or becom- 
ing involved in unsuccessful law cases. The persons in question can be 
recognised with certainty in the public ways by the unnatural pallor of 
their faces and by the general repulsiveness of their appearance, but as they 
soon take refuge in suicide, unless they have tjjje fortune to be removed pre- 
viously by accident, it is an infrequent matter that one is gratified by the 
sight. During their existence they are subject to many disorders from which 
the generality of human beings are benevolently preserved ; they possess 
no rights of any kind, and if by any chance they are detected in an act of 
a seemingly depraved nature, they are liable to judgment at the hands of 
the passers-by without any form whatever, and to punishment of a more 
severe order than that administered to commonplace criminals. There are 
many other disadvantages affecting such persons when they reach the Middle 
Air, of which the chief " 

" This person is immeasurably indebted for such a clear explanation 
of the position," interrupted Ling, who had a feeling of not desiring to 
penetrate further into the detail ; " but as he perceives a line of anxious 
ones eagerly waiting at the door to obtain advice and consolation from so 
expert and amiable a wizard, he will not make himself uncongenial any 
longer with his very feeble topics of conversation." 

By this time Ling plainly comprehended that he had been marked out 
from the beginning — perhaps, for all the knowledge which he had to the 
opposite effect, from a period in the life of a far-removed ancestor — to be 
an object of marked derision and the victim of all manner of malevolent 
demons in whatever actions he undertook. In this condition of understand- 
ing his mind turned gratefully to the parting gift of Mian, whom he had 
now no hope of possessing ; for the intolerable thought of uniting her to so 
objectionable a being as himself would have been dismissed as utterly in- 
elegant even had he been in a manner of living to provide for her adequately, 
which itself seemed clearly impossible. Disregarding all similar emotions, 
therefore, he walked without pausing to his abode, and stretching his body 
upon the rushes, drank the liquid unhesitatingly, and prepared to pass 
beyond with a tranquil mind entirely given up to thoughts and images of 



UPON a certain occasion, the particulars of which have already 
been recorded, Ling had judged himself to have passed into 
the form of a spirit on beholding the ethereal form of Mian 
bending over him. After swallowing the entire liquid, which 
had cost the dead magician so much to distil and make perfect, it was 
with a well-assured determination of never again awaking that he lost 
the outward senses and floated in the Middle Air, so that when his eyes 
next opened upon what seemed to be the bare walls of his own chamber, 
his first thought was a natural conviction that the matter had been so 
arranged either out of a charitable desire that he should not be overcome 
by a too sudden transition to unparalleled splendour, or that such a recep- 
tion was the outcome of some dignified jest on the part of certain lesser and 
more cheerful spirits. After waiting in one position for several hours, 
however, and receiving no summons or manifestation of a celestial nature, 
he began to doubt the qualities of the liquid, and applying certain tests, he 
soon ascertained that he was still in the lower world and unharmed. Never- 
theless, this circumstance did not tend in any way to depress his mind, for, 
doubtless owing to some hidden virtue in the fluid, he felt an enjoyable 
emotion that he still lived ; all his attributes appeared to b^ purified, and 
he experienced an inspired certainty of feeling that an illustrious and highly- 
remunerative future lay before one who still had an ordinary existence after 
being both ofBcially killed and self-poisoned. 

In this intelligent disposition thoughts of Mian recurred to him with 
unreproved persistence, and in order to convey to her an account of the 
various matters which had engaged him since his arrival at the city, and a 
well-considered declaration of the unchanged state of his own feelings 
towards her, he composed and despatched with impetuous haste the follow- 
ing delicate verses : — 


" About the walls and gates of Canton 
Are many pleasing and entertaining maidens ; 
Indeed, in the eyes of their friends and of the passers-by 
Some of them are exceptionally adorable. 




The person who is inscribing these lines, however, 

Sees before him, as it were, an assemblage of deformed and unprepossessing hags, 

Venerable in age and inconsiderable in appearance ; 

For the dignified and majestic image of Mian is ever before him, 

Making all others very inferior. 

" Within the houses and streets of Canton 
Hang many very bright lanterns. 

The ordinary person who has occasion to walk by night 
Professes to find them highly lustrous. 
But there is one who thinks contrary facts, 
And when he goes forth he carries two long curved poles 
To prevent him from stumbling among the dark and hidden places ; 
For he has gazed into the brilliant and pellucid orbs of Mian, 
And all other lights are dull and practically opaque. 

" In various parts of the literary quarter of Canton 
Reside such as spend their time in inward contemplation. 
In spite of their generally uninviting exteriors 
Their reflections are often of a very profound order. 
Yet the unpopular and persistently-abused Ling 
Would unhesitatingly prefer his own thoughts to theirs. 
For what makes this person's thoughts far more pleasing 
Is that they are invariably connected with the virtuous and ornamental Mian." 

Becoming very amiably disposed after this agreeable occupation, Ling 
surveyed himself at the disc of polished metal, and observed with surprise 
and shame the rough and uninviting condition of his person. He had, 
indeed, although it was not until some time later that he became aware of 
the circumstance, slept for five days without interruption, and it need not 
therefore be a matter of wonder or of reproach to him that his smooth 
surfaces had become covered with short hair. Reviling himself bitterly for 
the appearance which he conceived he must have exhibited when he con- 
ducted his business, and to which he now in part attributed his ill-success. 
Ling went forth without delay, and quickly discovering one of those who 
remove hair publicly for a very small sum, he placed himself in the chair, 
and directed that his face, arms, and legs should be denuded after the 
manner affected by the ones who make a practice of observing the most 
recent customs. 

" Did the illustrious individual who is now conferring distinction on 
this really worn-out chair by occupying it express himself in favour of 
having the face entirely denuded ? " demanded the one who conducted the 
operation ; for these persons have become famous for their elegant and per- 
sistent ability to discourse, and frequently assume ignorance in order that 
they themselves may make reply, and not for the purpose of gaining know- 
ledge. " Now, in the objectionable opinion of this unintelligent person, who 
has a presumptuous habit of offering his very undesirable advice, a slight 
covering on the upper lip, delicately arranged and somewhat fiercely pointed 
at the extremities, would bestow an appearance of — how shall this illiterate 
person explain himself ,?— dignity ? — matured reflection .? — doubtless the 



accomplished nobleman before me will understand what is intended with a 
more knife-like accuracy than this person can describe it — but confer that 
highly desirable effect upon the face of which at present it is entirely 
destitute. . . . ' Entirely denuded ? ' Then without fail it shall certainly be 
so, O incomparable personage. . . . Does the versatile mandarin now present 
profess any concern as to the condition of the rice plants .? . . . Indeed, 
the remark is an inspired one ; the subject is totally devoid of interest to 
a person of intelligence. ... A remarkable and gravity-removing event 
transpired within the notice of this unassuming person recently. A discrimi- 
nating individual had purchased from him a portion of his justly renowned 
Thrice-extracted Essence of Celestial Herb Oil — a preparation which in 
this experienced person's opinion, indeed, would greatly relieve the un- 
doubted afflictions from which the one before him is evidently suffering — 
when after once anointing himself " 

A lengthy period containing no words caused Ling, who had in the 
meantime closed his eyes and lost Canton and all else in delicate thoughts 
of Mian, to look up. That which met his attention on doing so filled him 
with an intelligent wonder, for the person before him held in his hand what 
had the appearance of a tuft of bright yellow hair, which shone in the 
light of the sun with a most engaging splendour, but which he nevertheless 
regarded with a most undignified expression of confusion and awe. 

" Illustrious demon," he cried at length, kowtowing very respectfully, 
" have the extreme amiableness to be of a benevolent disposition, and do not 
take an unworthy and entirely unremunerative revenge upon this very un- 
important person for failing to detect and honour you from the beginning." 

" Such words indicate nothing beyond an excess of hemp spirit," 
answered Ling, with signs of displeasure. " To gain my explicit esteem, 
make me smooth without delay, and do not exhibit before me the lock of 
hair which, from its colour and appearance, has evidently adorned the head of 
one of those maidens whose duty it is to quench the thirst o£ travellers in 
the long narrow rooms of this city." 

" Majestic and anonymous spirit," said the other, with extreme rever- 
ence, and an absence of the appearance of one who has gazed into many 
vessels, " if such be your plainly-expressed desire, this superficial person 
will at once proceed to make smooth your peach-like skin, and with a care- 
fulness inspired by the certainty that the most unimportant wound would 
give forth liquid fire, in which he would undoubtedly perish. Nevertheless, 
he desires to make it evident that this hair is from the head of no maiden, 
being, indeed, the uneven termination of your own sacred pigtail, which 
this excessively self-confident slave took the inexcusable liberty of removing, 
and which changed in this manner within his hand in order to administer 
a fit reproof for his intolerable presumption." 

Impressed by the mien and unquestionable earnestness of the remover 
of hair. Ling took the matter which had occasioned these various emotions 
in his hand and examined it. His amazement was still greater when he 


The toilet of Mian. 


perceived that — in spite of the fact that it presented every appearance of 
having been cut from his own person — none of the qualities of hair remained 
in it ; it was hard and wire-like, possessing, indeed, both the nature and 
the appearance of a metal. 

As he gazed fixedly and with astonishment, there came back into the 
remembrance of Ling certain obscure and Rttle-understood facts connected 
with the limitless wealth possessed by the Yellow Emperor — of which the 
great gold life-like image in the Temple of Internal Symmetry at Pekin 
alone bears witness now — and of his lost secret. Many very forcible pro- 
phecies and omens in his own earlier life, of which the rendering and 
accomplishment had hitherto seemed to be dark and incomplete, passed 
before him, and various matters which Mian had related to him con- 
cerning the habits and speech of the magician took definite form within 
his mind. Deeply impressed by the exact manner in which all these 
circumstances fitted together, one into another. Ling rewarded the person 
before him greatly beyond his expectation, and hurried without any delay 
to his own chamber. 


T4 = 



iOR many hours Ling remained in his room, examining in his 
mind all passages, either in his own life or in the lives of others, 
which might by any chance have influence on the event before 
him. In this thorough way he became assured that the com- 
petition and its results, his journey to Si-chow with the encounter in the 
cypress wood, the flight of the incapable and treacherous Mandarin, and 
the battle at Ki, were all, down to the matter of the smallest detail, 
parts of a symmetrical and complete scheme, tending to his present 
condition, in which he had become involved. Cheered and upheld by 
this proof of the fact that very able deities were at work on his behalf, he 
turned his intellect from the entrancing subject to a contemplation of the 
manner in which his condition would enable him to frustrate the un- 
inventive villainies of the obstinate person Li Keen, and to provide a 
suitable house and mode of living to which he would be justified in 
introducing Mian, after adequate marriage ceremonies had been observed 
between them. In this endeavour he was less successful than he had 
imagined would be the case, for when he had first fully understood that 
his body was of such a substance that nothing was wanting to transmute 
it into fine gold but the absence of the living spirit, he had naturally, and 
without deeply examining the detail, assumed that so much ^old might 
be considered as in his possession. Now, however, a very definite thought 
arose within him that his own wishes and interests would have been better 
secured had the benevolent spirits who undertook the matter placed the 
secret within his knowledge in such a way as to enable him to administer 
the fluid to some very heavy and inexpensive animal, so that the issue which 
seemed inevitable before the enjoyment of the riches could be entered upon 
should not have touched his own comfort so closely. To a person of Ling's 
refined imagination it could not fail to be a subject of internal reproach 
that while he would become the most precious dead body in the world, his 
value in life might not be very honourably placed even by the most compli- 
mentary one who should require his services. Then came the thought, 
which, however degraded, he found himself unable to put quite beyond 
him, that if in the meantime he were able to gain a sufficiency for Mian 
and himself, even her pure and delicate love might not be able to bear so 
offensive a test as that of seeing him grow old and remain intolerably 




healthy — perhaps with advancing years actually becoming lighter day by 
day, and thereby lessening in value before her eyes — when the natural 
infirmities of age and the presence of an ever-increasing posterity would 
make even a moderate amount of taels of inestimable value. 

No doubt remained in Ling's miijid that the process of frequently 
making smooth his surfaces would yield an amount of gold enough to suffice 
for his own needs, but a brief consideration of the matter convinced him 
that this source would be inadequate to maintain an entire household even 
if he continually denuded himself to an almost ignominious extent. As he 
fully weighed these varying chances the certainty became more clear to 
him with every thought that for the virtuous enjoyment of Mian's society 
one great sacrifice was required of him. This act, it seemed to be intimated, 
would without delay provide for an affluent and lengthy future, and at the 
same time would influence all the spirits — even those who had been hitherto 
evilly-disposed towards him — in such a manner that his enemies would be 
removed from his path by a process which would expose them to public 
ridicule, and he would be assured in founding an illustrious and enduring 
line. To accomplish this successfully necessitated the loss of at least the 
greater part of one entire member, and for some time the disadvantages of 
going through an existence with only a single leg or arm seemed more than 
a sufficient price to pay even for the definite advantages which would be 
made over to him in return. This unworthy thought, however, could not 
long withstand the memory of Mian's steadfast and high-minded affection, 
and the certainty of her enlightened gladness at his return even in the im- 
perfect condition which he anticipated. Nor was there absent from his mind 
a dimly-understood hope that the matter did not finally rest with him, but 
that everything which he might be inspired to do was in reality only a 
portion of the complete and arranged system into which he had been drawn, 
and in which his part had been assigned to him from the beginning without 
power for him to deviate, no matter how much to the contrary the thing 
should appear. 

As no advantage would be gained by making any delay. Ling at once 
sought the most favourable means of putting his resolution into practice, 
and after many skilful and insidious inquiries he learnt of an accomplished 
person who made a' consistent habit of cutting off limbs which had become 
troublesome to their possessors either through accident or disease. Further- 
more, he was said to be of a sincere and charitable disposition, and many 
persons declared that on no occasion had he been known to make use of the 
helpless condition of those who visited him in order to extort money from 

Coming to the ill-considered conclusion that he would be able to con- 
ceal within his own breast the true reason for the operation, Ling placed 
himself before the person in question, and exhibited the matter to him so 
that it would appear as though his desires were promoted by the presence 
of a small but persistent sprite which had taken its abode within his left 



thigh, and there resisted every effort of his most experienced wise persons 
to induce it to come forth again. Satisfied with this explanation of the 
necessity of the deed, the one who undertook the matter proceeded, with 
Ling's assistance, to sharpen his cutting instruments and to heat the harden- 
ing irons ; but no sooner had he made a shallow mark to indicate the lines 
which his knife should take, than his subtle observation at once showed him 
that the facts had been represented to him in a wrong sense, and that his 
visitor, indeed, was composed of no common substance. Being of a gentle 
and forbearing disposition, he did not manifest any indication of rage at 
the discovery, but amiably and unassumingly pointed out that such a course 
was not respectful towards himself, and that, moreover. Ling might incur 
certain well-defined and highly undesirable maladies as a punishment for 
the deception. 

Overcome with remorse at deceiving so courteous and noble-minded 
a person. Ling fully explained the circumstance to him, not even concealing 
from him certain facts which related to the actions of remote ancestors, but 
which, nevertheless, appeared to have influenced the succession of events. 
When he had made an end of the narrative, the other said : 

" Behold now, it is truly remarked that every mandarin has three 
hands and every soldier a like number of feet, yet it is a saying which is 
rather to be regarded as manifesting the deep wisdom and discrimination of 
the speaker than as an actual fact which can be taken advantage of when 
one is so minded — least of all by so valiant a Commander as the one before 
me, who has clearly proved that in time of battle he has exactly reversed 
the position." 

"The loss would undoubtedly be of considerable inconvenience occasion- 
ally," admitted Ling, " yet none the less the sage remark of Huai Mei-shan, 
' When actually in the embrace of a voracious and powerful wild animal, 
the desirability of leaving a limb is not a matter to be subjected to lengthy 
consideration,' is undoubtedly a valuable guide for general conduct. This 
person has endured many misfortunes and suffered many injustices ; he has 
known the wolf-gnawings of great hopes, which have withered and daily 
grown less when the difficulties of maintaining an honourable and illustrious 
career have unfolded themselves within his sight. Before him still lie the 
attractions of a moderate competency to be shared with the one whose 
absence would make even the Upper Region unendurable, and after having 
this entrancing future once shattered by the tiger-like cupidity of a depraved 
and incapable mandarin, he is determined to welcome even the sacrifice 
which you condemn rather than let the opportunity vanish through indeci- 

" It is not an unworthy or abandoned decision," said the one whose aid 
Ling had invoked, "nor a matter from which this person would refrain 
taking part, were there no other and more agreeable means by which the 
same results may be attained. A circumstance has occurred within this 
superficial person's mind, however : A brother of the one who is addressing 




you is by profession one of those who purchase large undertakings for which 
they have ^ot the money to pay, and who thereupon by various expedients 
gain the ear of the thrifty, enticing them by fair offers in return to entrust 
their savings for the purpose of paying off the debt. These persons are 
ever on the watch for transactions by w||^ch they inevitably prosper without 
incurring any obligation, and doubtless my brother will be able to gather 
together a community which would in some way endow you with a just 
share of the value of your highly-remunerative body without submitting you 
to the insufferable annoyance of losing a great part of it prematurely." 

Without clearly understandir^g how so inviting an arrangement could 
be effected, the manner of speaking was exceedingly alluring to Ling's 
mind, perplexed as he had become through weighing and considering the 
various attitudes of the entire matter. To receive a certain and sufficient 
sum of money without his person being in any way mutilated would be a 
satisfactory, but as far as he had been able to observe an unapproachable, 
solution of the difficulty. In the mind of the amiable person with whom 
he was conversing, however, the accomplishment did not appear to be 
surrounded by unnatural obstacles, so that Ling was content to leave the 
entire design in his hands, after stating that he would again present him- 
self on a certain occasion when it was asserted that the brother in question 
would be present. 

So internally lightened did Ling feel after this inspiring conversation, 
and so confident of a speedy success had the obliging person's words made 
him become, that for the first time since his return to Canton he was able 
to take an intellectual interest in the pleasures of the city. Becoming aware 
that the celebrated play entitled " The Precious Lamp of Spotted Butterfly 
Temple " was in process of being shown at the Tea Garden of Rainbow 
Lights and Voices, he purchased an entrance, and after passing several 
hours in this conscientious enjoyment, returned to his chamber, and passed 
a night untroubled by any manifestations of an unpleasant nature. 



CHANG-CH'UN, the brother of the one to whom Ling had 
applied in his determination, was confidently stated to be one 
of the richest persons in Canton. So great was the number 
of enterprises in which he had possessions, that he himself 
was unable to keep an account of them, and it was asserted that upon 
occasions he had run through the streets, crying aloud that such an 
undertaking had been the subject of most inferior and uninviting dreams 
and omens (a custom observed by those who wish a venture ill), whereas 
upon returning and consulting his written parchments, it became plain 
to him that he had indulged in a very objectionable exhibition, as he 
himself was the person most interested in the success of the matter. Far 
from discouraging him, however, such incidents tended to his advantage, 
as he could consistently point to them in proof of his unquestionable 
commercial honourableness, and in this way many persons of all classes, 
not only in Canton, or in the Province, but all over the Empire, would 
unhesitatingly entrust money to be placed in undertakings which he 
had purchased and was willing to describe as " of much good." A 
certain class of printed leaves — those in which Chang-ch'un did not insert 
purchased mentions of his forthcoming ventures or verses recording his 
virtues (in return for buying many examples of the printed leaf containing 
them) — took frequent occasion of reminding persons that Chang-ch'un 
owed the beginning of his prosperity to finding a written parchment con- 
nected with a mandarin of exalted rank and a low caste attendant at the 
Ti-i tea-house among the paper heaps, which it was at that time his 
occupation to assort into various departments according to their quality 
and commercial value. Such printed leaves freely and unhesitatingly 
predicted that the day on which he would publicly lose face was in- 
comparably nearer than that on which the Imperial army would receive 
its behind pay, and in a quaint and gravity-removing manner advised him 
to protect himself against an obscure but inevitable poverty by learning 
the accomplishment of chair-carrying — an occupation for which his talents 
and achievements fitted him in a high degree, they remarked. 

In spite of these evilly-intentioned remarks, and of illustrations 
representing him as being bowstrung for treacherous killing, being seized 
in the action of secretly conveying money from passers-by to himself and 



other similar annoying references to his private life, Chang-ch'un did not 
fail to. prosper, and his undertakings succeeded to such an extent that 
without inquiry into the detail many persons were content to describe as 
" gold-lined " anything to which he affixed his sign, and to hazard their 
savings for staking upon the venture^ In all other departments of life 
Chang was equally successful ; his chief wife was the daughter of one 
who stood high in the Emperor's favour ; his repast table was never 
unsupplied with sea-snails, rats' tongues, or delicacies of an equally 
expensive nature, and it was confidently maintained that there was no 
official in Canton, not even putting aside the Taotai, who dare neglect to 
fondle Chang's hand ififhe publicly off^ered it to him for that purpose. 

It was at the most illustrious point of his existence — at the time, 
indeed, when after purchasing without money the renowned and pro- 
ficient charm-water Ho-Ko for a million taels, he had sold it again for 
ten — that Chang was informed by his brother of the circumstances con- 
nected with Ling. After becoming specially assured that the matter was 
indeed such as it was represented to be, Chang at once discerned that the 
venture was of too certain and profitable a nature to be put before those 
who entrusted their money to him in ordinary and doubtful cases. He 
accordingly called together certain persons whom he was desirous of 
obliging, and informing them privately and apart from business terms 
that the opportunity was one of exceptional attractiveness, he placed the 
facts before them. After displaying a number of diagrams bearing upon 
the matter, he proposed that they should form an enterprise to be called 
" The Ling (After Death) Without Much Risk Assembly." The manner 
of conducting this undertaking he explained to be as follows : The body 
of Ling, whenever the spirit left it, should become as theirs, to be used 
for profit. For this benefit they would pay Ling fifty thousand taels when 
the understanding was definitely arrived at, five thousand taels each year 
until the matter ended, and when that period arrived another fifty 
thousand taels to persons depending upon him during his life. Having 
stated the figure business, Chang-ch'un put down his written papers, and 
causing his face to assume the look of irrepressible but dignified satisfac- 
tion which it was his custom to wear on most occasions, and especially 
when he had what appeared at first sight to be evil news to communicate 
to public assemblages of those who had entrusted money to his ventures, 
he proceeded to disclose the advantages of such a system. At the extreme, 
he said, the amount which they would be required to pay would be two 
hundred and fifty thousands taels ; but this was in reality a very mislead- 
ing view of the circumstance, as he would endeavour to show them. For 
one detail, he had alloted to Ling thirty years of existence, which was the 
extreme amount according to the calculations of those skilled in such 
prophecies ; but, as they were all undoubtedly aware, persons of very 
expert intellects were known to enjoy a much shorter period of life than 
the gross and ordinary, and as Ling was clearly one of the former, by the 



fact of his contriving so ingenious a method of enriching himself, they 
might with reasonable foresight rely upon his departing when half the 
period had been attained ; in that way seventy-five thousand taels would 
be restored to them, for every year represented a saving of five thousand. 
Another agreeable contemplation was that of the last sum, for by such a 
time they would have arrived at the most pleasurable part of the enterprise : 
a million taels' worth of pure gold would be displayed before them, and the 
question of the final fifty thousand could be disposed of by cutting off an 
arm or half a leg. Whether they adopted that course, or decided to in- 
crease their fortunes by exposing so exceptional and symmetrical a wonder 
to the public gaze in all the principal cities of the Empire, was a circum- 
stance which would have to be examined within their minds when the 
time approached. In such a way the detail of purchase stood revealed as 
only fifty thousand taels in reality, a sum so despicably insignificant that 
he had internal pains at mentioning it to so wealthy a group of mandarins, 
and he had not yet made clear to them that each year they would receive 
gold to the amount of almost a thousand taels. This would be the result of 
Ling making smooth his surfaces, and it would enable them to know that 
the person in question actually existed, and to keep the circumstances 
before their intellects. 

When Chang-ch'un had made the various facts clear to this extent, 
those who were assembled expressed their feelings as favourably turned 
towards the project, provided the tests to which Ling was to be put 
should prove encouraging, and a secure and intelligent understanding of 
things to be done and not to be done could be arrived at between them. 
To this end Ling was brought into the chamber, and fixing his thoughts 
steadfastly upon Mian, he permitted portions to be cut from various parts 
of his body without betraying any signs of ignoble agitation. No sooner 
had the pieces been separated and the virtue of Ling's existence passed 
from them than they changed colour and hardened, nor could, the most 
delicate and searching trials to which they were exposed by a skilful 
worker in metals, who was obtained for the purpose, disclose any particular, 
however minute, in which they differed from the finest gold. The hair, 
the nails, and the teeth were similarly affected, and even Ling's blood 
dried into a fine gold powder. This detail of the trial being successfully 
completed. Ling subjected himself to intricate questionings on all matters 
connected with his religion and manner of conducting himself, both in 
public and privately, the history and behaviour of his ancestors, the various 
omens and remarkable sayings which had reference to his life and destiny, 
and the intentions which he then possessed regarding his future move- 
ments and habit of living. All the wise sayings and written and printed 
leaves which made any allusion to the existence and possibility of dis- 
covery of the wonderful gold fluid were closely examined, and found to 
be in agreement, whereupon those present made no further delay in 
admitting that the facts were indeed as they had been described, and 


The superfluous Wang. 


indulged in a dignified stroking of each other's faces as an expression of 
pleasure and in proof of their satisfaction at taking part in so entrancing 
and remunerative an affair. At Chang's command many rare and expensive 
wines were then brought in, and partaken of without restraint by all 
persons, the repast being lightened bv numerous well-considered and 
gravity-removing jests having reference to Ling and the unusual com- 
position of his person. So amiably were the hours occupied that it was 
past the time of no-light when Chang rose and read at full length the 
statement of things to be done and things not to be done, which was to 
be sealed by Ling for his part and the other persons who were present 
for theirs. It so happened, however, that at that period Ling's mind was 
filled with brilliant and versatile thoughts and images of Mian, and 
many-hued visions of the manner in which they would spend the entranc- 
ing future which was now before them, and in this way it chanced that 
he did not give any portion of his intellect to the reading, mistaking it, 
indeed, for a delicate and very ably-composed set ot verses which Chang- 
ch'un was reciting as a formal blessing on parting. Nor was it until he 
was desired to affix his sign that Ling discovered his mistake, and being of 
too respectful and unobtrusive a disposition to require the matter to be 
repeated then, he carried out the obligation without in any particular 
understanding the written words to which he was agreeing. 

As Ling walked through the streets to his chamber after leaving the 
house and company of Chang-ch'un, holding firmly among his garments 
the thin printed papers to the amount of fifty thousand taelg which he 
had received, and repeatedly speaking to himself in terms of general and 
specific encouragement at the fortunate events of the past few days, he 
became aware that a person of mean and rapacious appearance, whom he 
had some memory of having observed within the residence he had but just 
left, was continually by his side. Not at first doubting that the circum- 
stance resulted from a benevolent desire on the part of Chang-ch'un that 
he should be protected in his passage through the city. Ling affected not 
to observe the incident ; but upon reaching his own door the person in 
question persistently endeavoured to pass in also. Forming a fresh judgment 
about the matter. Ling, who was very powerfully constructed, and whose 
natural instincts were enhanced in every degree by the potent fluid of 
which he had lately partaken, repeatedly threw him across the street 
until he became weary of the diversion. At length, however, the thought 
arose that one who patiently submitted to continually striking the opposite 
houses with his head must have something of importance to communicate, 
whereupon he courteously invited him to enter the apartment and unweigh 

his mind. 

" The facts of the case appear to have been somewhat inadequately 
represented," said the stranger, bowing obsequiously, "for this unorna- 
mental person was assured by the benignant Chang-ch'un that the one 
whose shadow he was to become was of a mild and forbearing nature." 



" Such words are as the conversation of birds to me," replied Ling, 
not conjecturing how the matter had fallen about. " This person has just 
left the presence of the elegant and successful Chang-ch'un, and no word 
that he spoke gave indication of such a follower or such a service." 

" Then it is indeed certain that the various transactions have not been 
fully understood," exclaimed the other, " for the exact communication to 
this unseemly one was, ' The valuable and enlightened Ling has heard and 
agreed to the different things to be done and not to be done, one phrase of 
which arranges for your continual presence, so that he will anticipate your 

At these words the truth became as daylight before Ling's eyes, and 
he perceived that the written paper to which he had affixed his sign con- 
tained the detail of such an office as that of the person before him. When 
too late, more than ever did he regret that he had not formed some pretext 
for causing the document to be read a second time, as in view of his 
immediate intentions such an arrangement as the one to which he had 
agreed had every appearance of becoming of an irksome and perplexing 
nature. Desiring to know the length of the attendant's commands, Ling 
asked him for a clear statement of his duties, feigning that he had missed 
that portion of the reading through a momentary attack of the giddy 
sickness. To this request the stranger, who explained that his name was 
Wang, instantly replied that his written and spoken orders were : never 
to permit more than an arm's length of space to separate them ; to 
prevent, by whatever force was necessary for the purpose, all attempts 
at evading the things to be done and not to be done, and to ignore as of 
no interest all other circumstances. It seemed to Ling, in consequence, 
that little seclusion would be enjoyed unless an arrangement could be 
effiscted between Wang and himself; so to this end, after noticing the 
evident poverty and covetousness of the person in question, he made him 
an honourable offer of frequent rewards, provided a greater (Jistance was 
allowed to come between them as soon as Si-chow was reached. On his 
side. Ling undertook not to break through the wording of the things to 
be done and not to be done, and to notify to Wang any movements upon 
which he meditated. In this reputable manner the obstacle was ingeniously 
removed, and the intelligent nature of the device was clearly proved by 
the fact that not only Ling but Wang also had in future a much greater 
liberty of action than would have been possible if it had been necessary to 
observe the short-sighted and evidently hastily-thought-of condition which 
Chang-ch'un had endeavoured to impose. 



IN spite of his natural desire to return to Mian as quickly as possible, 
Ling judged it expedient to give several days to the occupation of 
purchasing apparel of the richest kinds, weapons and armour in large 
quantities, jewels and ornaments of worked metals and other objects to 
indicate his changed position. Nor did he neglect actions of a pious and 
charitable nature, for almost his first care was to arrange with the chief 
ones at the Temple of Benevolent Intentions that each year, on the day 
corresponding to that on which he drank the gold fluid, a sumptuous 
and well-constructed coffin should be presented to the most deserving 
poor and aged person within that quarter of the city in which he had 
resided. When these preparations were completed. Ling set out with an 
extensive train of attendants ; but riding on before, accompanied only by 
Wang, he quickly reached Si-chow without adventure. 

The meeting between Ling and Mian was affecting to such an extent 
that the blind and the deaf attendants wept openly without reproach, 
notwithstanding the fact that neither could become possessed of more 
than a half of the occurrence. Eagerly the two reunited ones examined 
each other's features to discover whether the separation had brought 
about any change in the beloved and well-remembered lines. Ling dis- 
covered upon Mian the shadow of an anxious care at his absence, while 
the disappointments and trials which Ling had experienced in Canton had 
left traces which were plainly visible to Mian's penetrating gaze. In such 
an entrancing occupation the time was to them without hours until a 
feeling of hunger recalled them to lesser matters, when a variety of very 
select foods and liquids were placed before them without delay. After 
this elegant repast had been partaken of, Mian, supporting herself upon 
Ling's shoulder, made a request that he would disclose to her all the 
matters which had come under his observation both within the city and 
during his journey to and from that place. Upon this encouragement, 
Ling proceeded to unfold his mind, not withholding anything which 
appeared to be of interest, no matter how slight. When he had reached 
Canton without any perilous adventure, Mian breathed more freely ; as 
he recorded the interview at the Office of Warlike Deeds and Arrange- 
ments, she trembled at the insidious malignity of the evil person Li Keen. 
The conversation with the wise reader of the future concerning the various 

E 65 


states of such as be officially dead almost threw her into the rigid sickness, 
from which, however, the wonderful circumstance of the discovered 
properties of the gold fluid quickly recalled her. But to Ling's great 
astonishment no sooner had he made plain the exceptional advantages 
which he had derived from the circumstances, and the nature of the 
undertaking at which he had arrived with Chang-ch'un, than she became 
a prey to the most intolerable and unrestrained anguish. 

" Oh, my devoted but excessively ill-advised lover," she exclaimed 
wildly, and in tones which clearly indicated that she was inspired by 
every variety of affectionate emotion, "has the unendurable position in 
which you and all your household will be placed by the degrading 
commercial schemes and instincts of the mercenary-souled person Chang- 
ch'un occupied no place in your generally well-regulated intellect ? 
Inevitably will those who drink our almond tea, in order to have an 
opportunity of judging the value of the appointments of the house, pass 
the jesting remark that while the Lings assuredly have ' a dead person's 
bones in the secret chamber,' at the present they will not have one in the 
family graveyard by reason of the death of Ling himself. Better to lose a 
thousand limbs during life than the entire person after death ; nor would 
your adoring Mian hesitate to clasp proudly to her organ of affection the 
veriest trunk that had parted with all its attributesi in a noble and 
sacrificing endeavour to preserve at least some dignified proportions 
to embellish the Ancestral Temple and to receive the worship of 

" Alas ! " replied Ling, with extravagant humiliation, " it is indeed 
true ; and this person is degraded beyond the common lot of those who 
break images and commit thefts from sacred places. The side of the 
transaction which is at present engaging our attention never occurred to 
this superficial individual until now." 

"Wise and incomparable one," said Mian, in no dqgree able to 
restrain the fountains of bitter water which clouded her delicate and 
expressive eyes, " in spite of this person's biting and ungracious words do 
not, she makes a formal petition, doubt the deathless strength of her 
affection. Cheerfully, in order to avert the matter in question, or even 
to save her lover the anguish of unavailing and soul-eating remorse, would 
she consign herself to a badly-constructed and slow-consuming fire or 
expose her body to various undignified tortures. Happy are those even to 
whom is left a little ash to be placed in a precious urn and diligently 
guarded, for it, in any event, truly represents all that is left of the once 
living person, whereas after an honourable and spotless existence my 
illustrious but unthinking lord will be blended with a variety of baser 
substances and passed from hand to hand, his immaculate organs serving 
to reward murderers for their deeds, and so tempt the weak and vicious 
to all manner of unmentionable crimes." 

So overcome was Ling by the distressing nature of the oversight he 



had permitted that he could find no words with which to comfort Mian, 
who, after some moments, continued : 

"There are even worse visions of degradation which occur to this 
person. By chance, that which was once the noble-minded Ling may be 
disposed of, not to the Imperial Treasury for converting into pieces of 
exchange, but to some undiscriminating worker in metals who will 
fashion out of his beautiful and symmetrical stomach, an elegant food- 
dish, so that from the ultimate developments of the circumstance may 
arise the fact that his own descendants, instead of worshipping him, use 
his internal organs for this doubtful if not absolutely unclean purpose, 
and thereby suffer numerous well-merited afflictions, to the end that the 
finally-despised Ling and this discredited person, instead of founding a 
vigorous and prolific generation, become the parents of a line of feeble- 
minded and physically-depressed lepers." 

" Oh, my peacock-eyed one ! " exclaimed Ling, in immeasurable 
distress, " so proficient an exhibition of virtuous grief crushes this mis- 
guided person completely to the ground. Rather would he uncom- 
plainingly lose his pigtail than " 

" Such a course," said a discordant voice, as the unpresentable person 
Wang stepped forth from behind a hanging curtain, where, indeed, he 
had stood concealed during the entire conversation, "is especially for- 
bidden by the twenty-third detail of the things to be done and not to be 

" What new adversity is this ? " cried Mian, pressing to Ling with a 
still closer embrace. " Having disposed of your incomparable body after 
death, surely an adequate amount of liberty and seclusion remains to us 
during life." 

"Nevertheless," interposed the dog-like Wang, "the refined person 
in question must not attempt to lose or to dispose of his striking and 
invaluable pigtail ; for by such an action he would be breaking through 
his spoken and written word whereby he undertook to be ruled by the 
things to be done and not to be done ; and he would also be robbing the 
ingenious-minded Chang-ch'un." 

" Alas ! " lamented the unhappy Ling, " that which appeared to be 
the end of all this person's troubles is obviously simply the commence- 
ment of a new and more extensive variety. Understand, O conscientious 
but exceedingly inopportune Wang, that the words which passed from 
this person's mouth did not indicate a fixed determination, but merely 
served to show the unfeigned depth of his emotion. Be content that he 
has no intention of evading the definite principles of the things to be 
done and not to be done, and in the meantime honour this commonplace 
establishment by retiring to the hot and ill-ventilated chamber, and there 
partaking of a suitable repast which shall be prepared without delay." 

When Wang had departed, which he did with somewhat unseemly 
haste. Ling made an end of recording his narrative, which Mian's grief 



had interrupted. In this way he explained to her the reason of Wang's 
presence, and assured her that by reason of the arrangement he had made 
with that person, his near existence would not be so unsupportable to 
them as might at first appear to be the case. 

While they were still conversing together, and endeavouring to divert 
their minds from the objectionable facts which had recently come within 
their notice, an attendant entered and disclosed that the train of servants 
and merchandise which Ling had preceded on the journey was arriving. 
At this fresh example of her lover's consistent thought for her, Mian 
almost forgot her recent agitation, and eagerly lending herself to the 
entrancing occupation of unfolding and displaying the various objects, 
her brow finally lost the last trace of sadness. Greatly beyond the 
imaginings of anticipation were the expensive articles with which Ling 
proudly surrounded her ; and in examining and learning the cost of the 
set jewels and worked metals, the ornamental garments for both persons, 
the wood and paper appointments for the house — even incenses, perfumes, 
spices and rare viands had not been forgotten — the day was quickly and 
profitably spent. 

When the hour of sunset arrived. Ling, having learned that certain 
preparations which he had commanded were fully carried out, took Mian 
by the hand and led her into the chief apartment of the house, where 
were assembled all the followers and attendants, even down to the illiterate 
and superfluous Wang. In the centre of the room upon a table of the 
finest ebony stood a vessel of burning incense, some dishes of the most 
highly-esteemed fruit, and an abundance of old and very sweet wine. 
Before these emblems Ling and Mian placed themselves in an attitude of 
deep humiliation, and formally expressed their gratitude to the Chief 
Deity for having called them into existence, to the cultivated earth for 
supplying them with the means of sustaining life, to the Emperor for 
providing the numerous safeguards by which their persons w^re protected 
at all times, and to their parents for educating them. This adequate 
ceremony being completed. Ling explicitly desired all those present to 
observe the fact that the two persons in question werej by that act and 
from that time, made as one being, and the bond between them incapable 
of severance. 

When the ruling night-lantern came out from among the clouds. 
Ling and Mian became possessed of a great desire to go forth with pressed 
hands and look again on the forest paths and glades in which they had 
spent many hours of exceptional happiness before Ling's journey to 
Canton. Leaving the attendants to continue the feasting and drum-beating 
in a completely unrestrained manner, they therefore passed out unper- 
ceived, and wandering among the trees, presently stood on the banks of 
the Heng-Kiang. 

" Oh, my beloved ! " exclaimed Mian, gazing at the brilliant and 
unruffled water, " greatly would this person esteem a short river journey, 



such as we often enjoyed together in the days when you were re- 

Ling, to whom the expressed desires of Mian were as the word of the 
Emperor, instantly prepared the small and ornamental junk which was 
fastened near for this purpose, and was about to step in, when a pre- 
sumptuous and highly objectionable hand restrained him. 

" Behold," remarked a voice which Ling had some difficulty in 
ascribing to any known person^ so greatly had it changed from its 
usual tone, " behold how the immature and altogether too-inferior Ling 
observes his spoken and written assertions ! " 

At this low-conditioned speech, Ling drew his well-tempered sword 
without further thought, in spite of the restraining arms of Mian, but at 
the sight of the utterly incapable person Wang, who stood near smiling 
meaninglessly and waving his arms with a continuous and backward 
motion, he again replaced it. 

" Such remarks can be left to fall unheeded from the lips of one who 
bears every indication of being steeped in rice spirit," he said with un- 
provoked dignity. 

" It will be the plain duty of this expert and uncorruptible person to 
furnish the unnecessary but, nevertheless, very severe and self-opinionated 
Chang-ch'un with a written account of how the traitorous and deceptive 
Ling has endeavoured to break through the thirty-fourth vessel of the 
liquids to be consumed and not to be consumed," continued Wang with 
increased deliberation and an entire absence of attention to Ling's action 
and speech, " and how by this refined person's unfailing civility and 
resourceful strategy he has been frustrated." 

" Perchance," said Ling, after examining his thoughts for a short 
space, and reflecting that the list of things to be done and not to be done 
was to him as a blank leaf, "there may even be some small portion of 
that which is accurate in his statement. In what manner," he continued, 
addressing the really unendurable person, who was by this time preparing 
to pass the night in the cool swamp by the river's edge, " does this one 
endanger any detail of the written and sealed parchment by such an 
action ? " 

" Inasmuch," replied Wang, pausing in the process of removing his 
outer garments, " as the seventy-ninth — the intricate name given to it 
escapes this person's tongue at the moment — but the ninety-seventh — 
experLingknowswhamean — provides that any person, with or without, 
attempting or not avoiding to travel by sea, lake, or river, or to place him- 
self in such a position as he may reasonably and intelligently be drowned in 
salt water, fresh water, or — or honourable rice spirit, shall be guilty of, 
and suffer — complete loss of memory." With these words the immoderate 
and contemptible person sank down in a very profound slumber. 

" Alas ! " said Ling, turning to Mian, who stood near, unable to retire 
even had she desired, by reason of the extreme agitation into which the 



incident had thrown her delicate mind and body, " how intensely aggravat- 
ing a circumstance that we are compelled to entertain so dissolute a one by 
reason of this person's preoccupation when the matter was read. Neverthe- 
less, it is not unlikely that the detail he spoke of was such as he insisted, to 
the extent of making it a thing not to be done to journey in any manner 
by water. It shall be an early endeavour of this person to get these restrain- 
ing details equitably amended ; but in the meantime we will retrace our 
footsteps through the wood, and the enraptured Ling will make a well- 
thought-out attempt to lighten the passage by a recital of his recently- 
composed verses on the subject of' Exile from the Loved One ; or, Farewell 
and Return.' " 



MY beloved lord ! " said Mian sadly, on a morning after 
many days had passed since the return of Ling, " have 
you not every possession for which the heart of a wise 
person searches ? Yet the dark mark is scarcely ever absent 
from your symmetrical brow. If she who stands before you, and is hence- 
forth an integral part of your organisation, has failed you in any particular, 
no matter how unimportant, explain the matter to her, and the amend- 
ment will be a speedy and a joyful task." 

It was indeed true that Ling's mind was troubled, but the fault did 
not lie with Mian, as the person in question was fully aware, for before her 
eyes as before those of Ling the unevadable compact which had been 
entered into with Chang-ch'uri was ever present, insidiously planting 
bitterness within even the most select and accomplished delights. Nor with 
increasing time did the obstinate and intrusive person Wang become more 
dignified in his behaviour ; on the contrary, he freely made use of his 
position to indulge in every variety of abandonment, and almost each day 
he prevented, by reason of his knowledge of the things to be done and not 
to be done, some refined and permissible entertainment upon which Ling 
and Mian had determined. Ling had despatched many communications 
upon this subject to Chang-ch'un, praying also that some expert way out of 
the annoyance of the lesser and more unimportant things not to be done 
should be arrived at, but the time when he might reasonably expect an 
answer to these written papers had not yet arrived. 

It was about this period that intelligence was brought to Ling from 
the villages on the road to Pekin, how Li Keen, having secretly ascertained 
that his Yamen was standing and his goods uninjured, had determined to 
return, and was indeed at that hour within a hundred li of Si-chow. Further- 
more, he had repeatedly been understood to pronounce clearly that he con- 
sidered Ling to be the head and beginning of all his inconvenience, and to 
declare that the first act of justice which he should accomplish on his return 
would be to submit the person in question to the most unbearable tortures, 
and then cause him to lose his head publicly as an outrager of the settled 
state of things and an enemy of those who loved tranquillity. Not doubting 
that Li Keen would endeavour to gain an advantage by treachery if the 
chance presented itself. Ling determined to go forth to meet him, and 



without delay settle the entire disturbance in one well-chosen and fatally- 
destructive encounter. To this end, rather than disturb the placid mind of 
Mian, to whom the thought of the engagement would be weighed with 
many disquieting fears, he gave out that he was going upon an expedition 
to surprise and capture certain fish of a very delicate flavour, and, attended 
by only two persons, he set forth in the early part of the day. 

Some hours later, owing to an ill-considered remark on the part of the 
deaf attendant, to whom the matter had been explained in an imperfect 
light, Mian became possessed of the true facts of the case, and immediately 
all the pleasure of existence went from her. She despaired of ever again 
beholding Ling in an ordinary state, and mournfully reproached herself for 
the bitter words which had risen to her lips when the circumstance of his 
condition and the arrangement with Chang-ch'un first became known to 
her. After spending an interval in a polished lament at the manner in 
which things were inevitably tending, the thought occurred to Mian 
whether by any means in her power she could influence the course and 
settled method of affairs. In this situation the memory of the person Wang, 
and the fact that on several occasions he had made himself objectionable 
when Ling had proposed to place himself in such a position that he incurred 
some very remote chance of death by drowning or by fire, recurred to her. 
Subduing the natural and pure-minded repulsion which she invariably ex- 
perienced at the mere thought of so debased an individual, she sought for 
him, and discovering him in the act of constructing cardboard figures of 
men and animals, which it was his custom to dispose skilfully in little- 
frequented paths for the purpose of enjoying the sudden terror of those who 
passed by, she quickly put the matter before him, urging him, by some 
means, to prevent the encounter, which might assuredly cost the life of 
the one whom he had so often previously obstructed from incurring the 
slightest risk. 

" By no means," exclaimed Wang, when he at length understood the 
full meaning of the project ; " it would be a most unpresentable action for 
this commonplace person to interfere in so honourable an undertaking. Had 
the priceless body of the intrepid Ling been in any danger of disappearing, 
as, for example, by drowning or being consumed in fire, the nature of the 
circumstance would have been different. As the matter exists, however, 
there is every appearance that the far-seeing Chang-ch'un will soon reap 
the deserved reward of his somewhat speculative enterprise, and to that end 
this person will immediately procure a wooden barrier and the services of 
four robust carriers, and proceed to the scene of the conflict." 

Deprived of even this hope of preventing the encounter, Mian betook 
herself in extreme dejection to the secret room of the magician, which had 
been unopened since the day when the two attendants had searched for 
substances to apply to their master, and there she diligently examined every 
object in the remote chance of discovering something which might prove 
of value in averting the matter in question. 


The outrageoUi attitude of the dishonourable Li Keen. 


Not anticipating that the true reason of his journey would become 
known to Mian, Ling continued on his way without haste, and passing 
through Si-chow before the sun had risen, entered upon the great road to 
Pekin. At a convenient distance from the town he came to a favourable 
piece of ground where he decided to avpiit the arrival of Li Keen, spending 
the time profitably in polishing his already brilliant sword, and making 
observations upon the nature of the spot and the condition of the surround- 
ing omens, on which the success of his expedition would largely depend. 

As the sun reached the highest point in the open sky the sound of an 
approaching company could be plainly heard ; but at the moment when 
the chair of the Mandarin appeared within the sight of those who waited, 
the great luminary, upon which all portents depend directly or indirectly' 
changed to the colour of new-drawn blood and began to sink towards the 
earth. Without any misgivings, therefore, Ling disposed his two attendants 
in the woods with instructions to step forth and aid him if he should be 
attacked by overwhelming numbers, while he himself remained in the way. 
As the chair approached, the Mandarin observed a person standing alone, 
and thinking that it was one who, hearing of his return, had come out of 
the town to honour him, he commanded the bearers to pause. Thereupon, 
stepping up to the opening. Ling struck the deceptive and incapable Li Keen 
on the cheek, at the same time crying in a full voice, " Come forth, O 
traitorous and two-stomached Mandarin ! for this person is very desirous of 
assisting you in the fulfilment of your boastful words. Here is a most irre- 
proachable sword which will serve excellently to cut off this person's un- 
dignified head ; here is a waist-cord which can be tightened round his 
breast, thereby producing excruciating pains over the entire body." 

At the knowledge of who the one before him was, and when he heard 
the words which unhesitatingly announced Ling's fixed purpose, Li Keen 
first urged the carriers to fall upon Ling and slay him, and then, perceiving 
that such a course was exceedingly distasteful to their natural tendencies, 
to take up the chair and save him by flight. But Ling in the meantime 
engaged their attention, and fully explained to them the treacherous and 
unworthy conduct of Li Keen, showing them how his death would be a just 
retribution for his ill-spent life, and promising them each a considerable 
reward in addition to their arranged payment when the matter in question 
had been accomplished. Becoming convinced of the justice of Ling's cause, 
they turned upon Li Keen, insisting that he should at once attempt to 
carry out the ill-judged threats against Ling, of which they were consistent 
witnesses, and announcing that, if he failed to do so, they would certainly 
bear him themselves to a not far distant well of stagnant water, and there 
gain the approbation of the good spirits by freeing the land of so unnatural 
a monster. 

Seeing only a dishonourable death on either side, Li Keen drew his 
sword, and made use of every artifice of which he had knowledge in order 
to disarm Ling or to take him at a disadvantage. In this he was unsuccess- 



ful, for Ling, who was by nature a very expert sword-user, struck him 
repeatedly, until he at length fell in an expiring condition, remarking with 
his last words that he had indeed been a narrow-minded and extortionate 
person during his life, and that his death was an enlightened act of celestial 

Directing Wang and his four hired persons, who had in the meantime 
arrived, to give the body of the Mandarin an honourable burial in the deep 
of the wood, Ling rewarded and dismissed the chair-bearers, and without 
delay proceeded to Si-chow, where he charitably distributed the goods and 
possessions of Li Keen among the poor of the town. Having in this able 
and conscientious manner completely proved the misleading nature of the 
disgraceful statements which the Mandarin had spread abroad concerning 
him. Ling turned his footsteps towards Mian, whose entrancing joy at his 
safe return was judged by both persons to be a sufficient reward for the 
mental distress with which their separation had been accompanied. 



AFTER the departure of Ling from Canton, the commercial 
affairs of Chang-ch'un began, from a secret and undetectable 
cause, to assume an ill-regulated condition. No venture which 
he undertook maintained a profitable attitude, so that many 
persons who in former times had been content to display the printed 
papers setting forth his name and virtues in an easily-seen position in 
their receiving-rooms, now placed themselves daily before his house in 
order to accuse him of using their taels in ways which they themselves had 
not sufficiently understood, and for the purpose of warning passers-by 
against his inducements. It was in vain that Chang proposed new under- 
takings, each of an infallibly more prosperous nature than those before ; the 
persons who had hitherto supported him were all entrusting their money to 
one named Pung Soo, who required millions where Chang had been content 
with thousands, and who persistently insisted on greeting the sacred Emperor 
as an equal. 

In this unenviable state Chang's mind continually returned to thoughts 
of Ling, whose lifeless body would so opportunely serve to dispel the em- 
barrassing perplexities of existence which were settling thickly about him. 
Urged forward by a variety of circumstances which placed him in an 
entirely different spirit from the honourable bearing which he had formerly 
maintained, he now closely examined all the papers connected with the 
matter, to discover whether he might not be able to effect his purpose with 
an outward exhibition of law forms. While engaged in this degrading 
occupation, a detail came to his notice which caused him to become very 
amiably disposed and confident of success. Proceeding with the matter, he 
caused a well-supported report to be spread about that Ling was suffering 
from a wasting sickness,, which without in any measure shortening his life, 
would cause him to return to the size and weight of a newly-born child, 
and being by these means enabled to secure the entire matter of " The 
Ling (After Death) Without Much Risk Assembly " at a very small outlay 
he did so, and then, calling together a company of those who hire them- 
selves out for purposes of violence, journeyed to Si-chow. 

Ling and Mian were seated together at a table in the great room, 
examining a vessel of some clear liquid, when Chang-ch'un entered with 
his armed ones, in direct opposition to the general laws of ordinary conduct 



and the rulings of hospitality. At the sight, which plainly indicated a 
threatened display of violence, Ling seized his renowned sword, which was 
never far distant from him, and prepared to carry out his spoken vow, that 
any person overstepping a certain mark on the floor should assuredly fall. 

" Put away your undoubtedly competent weapon, O Ling," said 
Chang, who was desirous that the matter should be arranged if possible 
without any loss to himself, " for such a course can be honourably adopted 
when it is taken into consideration that we are as twenty to one, and have, 
moreover, the appearance of being inspired by law forms." 

"There are certain matters of allowed justice which over-rule all other 
law forms," replied Ling, taking a surer hold of his sword-grasp. " Explain, 
for your part, O obviously double-dealing Chang-ch'un, from whom this 
person only recently parted on terms of equality and courtesy, why you 
come not with an agreeable face and a peaceful following, but with a coun- 
tenance which indicates both violence and terror, and accompanied by many 
whom this person recognises as the most outcast and degraded from the 
narrow and evil-smelling ways of Canton ? " 

" In spite of your blustering words," said Chang, with some attempt 
at an exhibition of dignity, " this person is endowed by every right, and 
comes only for the obtaining, by the help of this expert and proficient 
gathering, should such a length become necessary, of his just claims. Under- 
stand that in the time since the venture was arranged this person has become 
possessed of all the property of ' The Ling (After Death) Without Much 
Risk Assembly,' and thereby he is competent to act fully in the matter. It 
has now come within his attention that the one Ling to whom the parti- 
culars refer is officially dead, and as the written and sealed document clearly 
undertook that the person's body was to be delivered up for whatever use 
the Assembly decided whenever death should possess it, this person has 
now come for the honourable carrying out of the undertaking." 

At these words the true nature of the hidden contrivance into which 
he had fallen descended upon Ling like a heavy and unavoidable thunder- 
bolt. Nevertheless, being by nature and by reason of his late exploits fearless 
of death, except for the sake of the loved one by his side, he betrayed no 
sign of discreditable emotion at the discovery. 

" In such a case," he replied, with an appearance of entirely disregard- 
ing the danger of the position, " the complete parchment must of necessity 
be overthrown ; for if this person is now officially dead, he was equally so 
at the time of sealing, and arrangements entered into by dead persons have 
no actual existence." 

" That is a matter which has never been efficiently decided," admitted 
Chang-ch'un, with no appearance of being thrown into a state of confusion 
at the suggestion, " and doubtless the case in question can by various means 
be brought in the end before the Court of Final Settlement at Pekin, where 
it may indeed be judged in the manner you assert. But as such a process 
must infallibly consume the wealth of a province and the years of an ordinary 


The leave-taking from those who have followed (as it may 
be expressed) the involvements of Ling and Mian. 




lifetime, and as it is this person's unmoved intention to carry out his 

view of the undertaking without delay, such speculations are not matters 
of profound interest." 

Upon this Chang gave certain instructions to his followers, who there- 
upon prepared to advance. Perceiving that the last detail of the affair had 
been arrived at, Ling threw back his hanging garment, and was on the 
point of rushing forward to meet them, when Mian, who had maintained 
a possessed and reliant attitude throughout, pushed towards him the vessel 
of pure and sparkling liquid with which they had been engaged when so 
presumptuously broken in upon, at the same time speaking to him certain 
words in an outside language. A new and Heaven-sent confidence immedi- 
ately took possession of Ling, and striking his sword against the wall with 
such irresistible proficiency that the entire chamber trembled and the feeble- 
minded assassins shrank back in unrestrained terror, he leapt upon the table, 
grasping in one hand the open vessel. 

" Behold the end, O most uninventive and slow-witted Chang-ch'un ! " 
he cried in a dreadful and awe-compelling voice. " As a reward of your 
faithless and traitorous behaviour, learn how such avaricious-minded incom- 
petence turns and fastens itself upon the vitals of those who beget it. In 
spite of many things which were not of a graceful nature towards him, this 
person has unassumingly maintained his part of the undertaking, and would 
have followed such a course conscientiously to the last. As it is, when he 
has made an end of speaking, the body which you are already covetously 
estimating in taels will in no way be distinguishable from that of the meanest 
and most ordinary maker of commercial ventures in Canton. For, behold ! 
the fluid which he holds in his hand, and which it is his fixed intention to 
drain to the last drop, is in truth nothing but a secret and exceedingly 
powerful counteractor against the virtues of the gold drug ; and though but 
a single particle passed his lips, and the swords of your brilliant and versa- 
tile murderers met the next moment in his breast, the body which fell at 
your feet would be meet for worms rather than for the melting-pot." 

It was indeed such a substance as Ling represented it to be, Mian 
having discovered it during her very systematic examination of the dead 
magician's inner room. Its composition and distillation had involved that 
self-opinionated person in many years of arduous toil, for with a somewhat 
unintelligent lack of foresight he had obstinately determined to perfect the 
antidote before he turned his attention to the drug itself. Had the matter 
been more ingeniously arranged, he would undoubtedly have enjoyed an 
earlier triumph and an affluent and respected old age. 

At Ling's earnest words and prepared attitude an instant conviction of 
the truth of his assertions took possession of Chang. Therefore, seeing 
nothing but immediate and unevadable ruin at the next step, he called out 
in a loud and imploring voice that he should desist, and no harm would 
come upon him. To this Ling consented, first insisting that the followers 
should be dismissed without delay, and Chang alone remain to have conver- 



sation on the matter. By this just act the lower parts of Canton were greatly 
purified, for the persons in question being driven forth into the woods, 
mostly perished by encounters with wild animals, or at the hands of the 
enraged villagers, to whom Ling had by this time become greatly endeared. 
When the usual state had been restored. Ling made clear to Chang 
the altered nature of the conditions to which he would alone agree. " It is a 
noble-minded and magnanimous proposal on your part, and one to which 
this misguided person had no claim," admitted Chang, as he affixed his seal 
to the written undertaking and committed the former parchment to be con- 
sumed by fire. By this arrangement it was agreed that Ling should receive 
only one-half of the yearly payment which had formerly been promised, and 
that no sum of taels should become due to those depending upon him at 
his death. In return for these valuable allowances, there were to exist no 
details of things to be done and not to be done, Ling merely giving an 
honourable promise to observe the matter in a just spirit, while — most 
esteemed of all — only a portion of his body was to pass to Chang 
when the end arrived, the upper part remaining to embellish the family 
altar and receive the veneration of posterity. 

As the great sky-lantern rose above the trees and the time of no-noise 
fell upon the woods, a flower-laden pleasure-junk moved away from its 
restraining cords, and, without any sense of motion, gently bore Ling and 
Mian between the sweet-smelling banks of the Heng-Kiang. Presently 
Mian drew from beneath her flowing garment an instrument of stringed 
wood, and touching it with a quick but delicate stroke, like the flight and 
pausing of a butterfly, told in well-balanced words a refined narrative of 
two illustrious and noble-looking persons, and how, after many disagreeable 
evils and unendurable separations, they entered upon a destined state of 
earthly prosperity and celestial favour. When she made an end of the 
verses. Ling turned the junk's head by one well-directed stroke, of the paddle, 
and prepared by using similar means to return to the place of mooring. 

" Indeed," he remarked, ceasing for a moment to continue the skilful 
occupation, " the words which you have just spoken might, without injus- 
tice, be applied to the two persons who are now conversing together. For 
after suffering misfortunes and wrongs beyond an appropriate portion, they 
have now reached that period of existence when a tranquil and contempla- 
tive future is assured to them. In this manner is the sage and matured 
utterance of the inspired philosopher Nien-tsu again proved : that the life 
of every person is largely composed of two varieties of circumstances which 
together build up his existence — the Good and the Evil." 



The outrpassingfrom the narrative of the amiable Kai Lung. 


WHEN Kai Lung, the story-teller, made an end of speaking, 
he was immediately greeted with a variety of delicate and 
pleasing remarks, all persons who had witnessed the matter, 
down even to the lowest type of Miaotze, who by reason 
of their obscure circumstances had been unable to understand the meaning 
of a word that had been spoken, maintaining that Kai Lung's accomplish- 
ment of continuing for upwards of three hours without a pause had afforded 
an entertainment of a very high and refined order. While these polished 
sayings were being composed, together with many others of a similar 
nature, Lin Yi suddenly leapt to his feet with a variety of highly 
objectionable remarks concerning the ancestors of all those who were 
present, and declaring that the story of Ling was merely a well-considered 
stratagem to cause them to forget the expedition which they had determined 
upon, for by that time it should have been completely carried out. It was 
undoubtedly a fact that the hour spoken of for the undertaking had long 
passed, Lin Yi having completely overlooked the speed of time in his bene- 
volent anxiety that the polite and valorous Ling should in the end attain to 
a high and remunerative destiny. 

In spite of Kai Lung's consistent denials of any treachery, he could 
not but be aware that the incident tended greatly to his disadvantage in the 
eyes of those whom he had a fixed desire to conciliate, nor did his well- 
intentioned offer that he would without hesitation repeat the display for a 
like number of hours effect his amiable purpose. How the complication 
would finally have been determined without interruption is a matter merely 
of imagination, for at that moment an outpost, who had been engaged in 
guarding the secrecy of the expedition, threw himself into the enclosure in 
a torn and breathless condition, having run through the forest many li in a 
winding direction for the explicit purpose of warning Lin Yi that his inten- 
tions had become known, and that he and his followers would undoubtedly 
be surprised and overcome if they left the camp. 

At this intimation of the eminent service which Kai Lung had rendered 
them, the nature of their faces towards him at once changed completely, 
those who only a moment before had been demanding his death particularly 
hailing him as their inspired and unobtrusive protector, and in all prob- 
ability, indeed, a virtuous and benignant spirit in disguise. 



Bending under the weight of offerings which Lin Yi and his followers 
pressed upon him, together with many clearly set out desires for his future 
prosperity, and assured of their unalterable protection on all future occasions, 
Kai Lung again turned his face towards the lanterns of Knei Yang. Far 
down the side of the mountain they followed his footsteps, now by a rolling 
stone, now by a snapping branch of yellow pine. Once again they heard his 
voice, cheerfully repeating to himself : " Among the highest virtues of a 

pure existence " But beyond that point the gentle forest breath bore 

him away. 









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